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Posts posted by dpharris0416

  1. I'm a new user of VideoPad and recently finished my first project. While in video pad audio and video match up perfectly and do exactly what I want. Even when run in preview it works correctly. However, whenever I export to a file, the audio always fades out approximately 20 seconds early. The video and audio match up perfectly until this point. Even at this point there is no desynch; the audio just chooses to fade out. I have tried exporting as several formats including mpg, mp4, and flv. I have also attempted playing the video in multiple video players; so I have concluded it has to do with the export process. Is there a hidden setting in VideoPad that automatically sets an audio fade out at the end of the video? I am aware of the "fade out audio for 500ms at the end of sequences" setting but that wouldn't account for 20 seconds. Not to mention I have already attempted to turn that setting off. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!



    [update] So after replaying the part in VideoPad over and over again, I found if I start the video at least a few seconds before the unplanned fade out, the audio does in fact fade out in VideoPad preview. However, If I start the preview at the fade out or later, the audio is fine. After discovering this I did some more experimenting, removing and replacing the clip and adjusting fade settings. What I ended up finding is the video and audio work fine as long as I don't have the audio clip both fading in and fading out. If it is only set to fade out, it will run appropriately. If I have it fade in, it will also run appropriately. However if I have the clip both fade in and fade out, the video fades out 20 seconds early. Knowing this, I am able to work around it; however, this may be an interesting bug with the software. I'm curious if anyone else has run into similar problems.


    Sorry for the long original post and equally long update. Thanks for reading!

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