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Sui Reaper

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Posts posted by Sui Reaper

  1. Hey I went to edit a video last night and when I clicked on the video effect button the small window for it came up, but then instantly crashed. I tried it again half a dozen times and the result was the same, sill crashed. I tried the audio effect button to see if that would work, but that crashed too. (Multiple video files were tried)

    All the other functions seem to work normally.


    Has anyone else had this problem?

  2. So I have found a work around for it. I imported a file that was considered audio into windows movie maker and it worked there so I exported it as an .mp4 and now is recognized as a video file on VideoPad. Definitely not a quick fix, for my 17 min file it took roughly 30 min to process and export. So just in case anyone else is having this issue that is always a solution you can do if you like. I'd rather not add hours (potentially) of extra time to an already lengthy process so if there is a way to get VideoPad to recognize the files appropriately, please let me know.

  3. Hey, so i have made many videos for my gaming youtube channel and tonight i ran into a problem with importing some of my files. My video camera that i record commentary on my gameplay videos makes the videos at 17 minutes and 13 seconds long


    (ex: a one hour long, continuous, recording time would be separated into roughly 3 videos of 17:13 long and the rest would be on a separate file)


    The last gameplay video I did was about an hour so there were roughly 4 separate video files of my commentary (.MTS format) the first, third, and last file were completely fine, but with my second file videopad recognized it as an audio file, which would have been fine, because i usually don't use it for facecam, just for the audio. But when i played it there wasn't any sound and there wasn't any sound waves for the clip in the timeline either, it was just a straight line.


    Does anyone know why it would do that and/or know of a way to fix this issue?

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