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Posts posted by Paulie4980

  1. Been playing around with how to make some older cds ones recorded from analog equipment to sound better.

    I came across a few sound effects which seemed to help. I just don't understand how.

    There is a phraser and Flanger as well as a distortion button within the effects menue.

    By the sound graph I do notice how the sound wave has changed. And to my ears better.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated

  2. Greetings All.

    I am sure everyone has noticed the informatioin printed on cd covers. The music in this case recording using analog equipment. The statement goes on to let us know that the recording was the result of copying the original master analog recording into a digital format. The result you will no doubt hear the limatations from the source. Or something to that affect.

    After reducing the noise factor I don't know about you but the obvious distortion ie sax cymbols piano so forth is hard to deal with.

    Any comments would be appreciated. Agree,disagree?


  3. Can someone please tell me what the difference is between Goldern Records and WavePad?

    I just found out about Golden Records. My interest would be to convert audio cassette to a cd format.

    I have tried with WavePad and the results are mixed not really satisfied with the sound

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