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Posts posted by wlpb

  1. I switched the export output format to MPG and have recreated a few exports using the same project (identical project, absolutely NOTHING changed from one run to the next one). The problem occured in each "export", but on differents locations. It looks as if the problem is caused by reasons external to the VIDEOPAD project (e.g. synchronization between threads that are depending on each other's timely completion; CPU's switching into "turbo"; slow down of certain processor clocks because of high temperature; interference by other, non-VIDEOPAD, active application; ...).


    Then I did remove all crossfades between the stills and the small videos (all stills and videos are in video track 1). But there still are a couple of cross fades transitions in video track 2, in the "text" images that overlay some stills and videos in track 1. After I removed all crossfades in videotrack 1 the problem seems to have disappeared. Of course the exported "film" does not look very good without the fading (to switch from one image (or video) to another, the show "jumps" now rather than performing a smooth fade-out/fade-in transition). I could live with this for the moment (as a "workaround), but I surely would like to be able to add the crossfade transitions again before I will make the final version of my show.


    By the way, my PC has an Intel I7 4790 (no K) processor and 16 GB of memory. It has no graphical processor apart from the GPU built in into the CPU chip, because 95% of the time I use it for applications that do not require more graphical power (Office-like apps, mail, surfing, no games, ...). It has a SATA III SSD (system and apps, page, hibernate, ...) and a 3TB 7200 RPMs HD (contains ALL data, including temp files). I guess that should be sufficient "power" to run VIDEOPAD now and then?


    Soon I want to create some more videos using VIDEOPAD. I understand that the problem could well re-appear if I add functions that require (or overload) certain resources? Is there any VIDEOPAD functionality that I should avoid until the problem is resolved?

  2. Hi Pengunick,

    I have a very similar problem using VIDEOPAD v4.30, I created a videofile (.avi) from approx. 600 still pictures and 8 short videos. All pictures and videos start and stop with cross fade. On some stills there is an overlay with text. When I "play" the video with VLC, every 3-4 minutes the screen turns black for approx. 1 to 2 seconds, and then it continues. Looking at the timeline at the time when the problem occurs, there seems te be nothing wrong.


    I understand that you managed to resolve your issue with the help of c-major (probably on PM?) Could you please explain here what you did to resolve your problem?


    Additions: I reviewed the created .avi file (viewing the "film" (almost) frame by frame) and saw that in the videofile the black frames are included (thus the black frames must have been inserted in the "film" by VP): suddenly the picture that is to be shown is replaced by black frames. After some seconds the picture (the next still) fades in. After a few minutes, again the same problem occurs.

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