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Posts posted by BCOOL

  1. Yes thank you Ben.There is no doubt in my mind that it is not working correctly in fact it just gets worse.It started taking the area that was to be faded and chops it up into little segments that repeat.Very amusing to listen to but surly not the effect I was looking for. I have given up on it at this point..I do hope you guys can get it right as crossfade when working properly is a very cool effect.

  2. .BTW I should point out it really doesn't crossfade.The two files don't overlap it just cuts out the portion that was to be faded.As I pointed out the graph does not shows the results I expect

  3. Hi,first let me voice my total frustration if not outright anger over trying to use the crossfade function in wave pad.I have spent countless hours trying to get it to preform what should be a very simple task but to little or no avail,The graph does not represent the crossfade results for one thing.I have of course read the help from NCH and whatever I could find on this forum.Please can someone give me the key to successfully using this brain teaser.

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