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Posts posted by mcmanusj67

  1. Thanks for the reply ben.

    The project data folder was on the desktop a long with the project. I've tried moving the project into the project data folder to no avail, as well as creating a new folder and moving both the project and the project data folder into it. I still receive the same message when I try to open the project through within the Mixpad programme. When I double click the project with Mixpad closed, Mixpad opens but crashes immediately.

  2. Wondering if anyone can help here. I spent a few hours on a project yesterday and saved it to my desktop but today when I've tried to open it a message appears, 'Mixpad failed to load the project, please check the project file path, or download the latest version.' I have the latest version and have since registed with a license however the project still won't open. Is my work lost or does anyone know of anything I can do?

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