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Posts posted by lordmullin

  1. Well, it seems there is full scalability and movability of layered video tracks, which is great - BUT, the control is not intuitive (i don't really want to enter values, when I'd prefer to click and resize, for example) and there's a real lag while it builds the preview, so it's not a smooth editing process.


    Unless someone can tell me that only happens in the demo, I'll have to pass.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. Hi everyone - I'm considering Video Pad as I make the switch from PC to Mac. I want to know if I can achieve split-screen, multiple-layered stuff.


    At the moment, I can have (theoretically) any number of video tracks, resize them and fly in jpegs, captions etc, really easily - is this possible with Video Pad?


    I'm still working through the video tutorials, so forgive me if this is already dealt with, but I want to be able to resize the different screens and move them about at will...


    Thanks for any help!


    Tim, Bolton. UK

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