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Posts posted by ride

  1. I just wasnt to offer my expertice on this very old forum. I have probablly more experience with Video pad as well as 15 Other Professtional Vid ediitors. VP was my first and will always be my Default GO TO editing to get my prelimenary set ups done. I am a producer, Master editor and cheif advisor for my compnay and I spend minimum 12 hours a day on video pad. My workstation in which is am sitting and typing at this very moment, concist o 4 deskstops and a top of the line toshiba satellite lap top. In front of me I have 2x 46" Plasma Samsung Smart TVs, , Under those I have another 32" plasma and plus 3 x19" DVI/VGA SCREENS and as well has the laptop's 17" integrated Display. So recap thats 4 Desktips and 1 laptop hookd into 7 GIgantic monitors. and to NCH Software for the rithgt title and contract, i can make your approval and paying customers rates to skyrocket with a few of my suggestoins for your next full featrue upgrade.Right ght amont I can train your inhouse, or evern help develop your fixes.I use Version 4.0 and the moment because it is only version ith new masking feature..BuT i kNOw every otherprogram as well as vidiopad and I have so much insight to better your sofware(my favorite).I've used every release starting bacck when 2.0 versions where newiw. Good luck to all and Ask mw anygthng anytime and I ll give you the best solution for you issue.

  2. Thanks for your reply, zooming out clicking to move cursour, then zooming back in is like going all the way around the world to get to my next door neighbors house. I can't believe they took out the pan feature with the mouse wheel. Blows my mind. This zoom out, move, zoom in has been an option for as long as I can remember and it takes about 3x's as long to get to a spot on sequence that may be less than a hundreth of a second away from where I want to be. I understand All the other options to move around i was just really hoping there was something I could do to get my precious pan back. I have found it just too annoying and reverted back to my 3.89 version. Imagine if you're zoomed all the way in to the hundreths of a second and the spot you're trying to split or sync or whatever is literally just outside of view and all you need is a slight wheel click jerk right and you've got it in view now so you can simply left click move your cursor to where you wanted to be, and it was so simple. but to zoom out ,even a little bit, then move cursor and zoom back, not even sure if that's the spot you were looking for or not, is really hard on my wheel rolling finger. And say in the same scenario, a simple " go to next clip edge" click would be great if I just happen to be looking for a spot on the clip edge. And to just stayed zoomed in and click frame by frame would work too, only problem is My cursor is all the way on the opposite end of where I'm going and it would take 100 clicks to get there, but of course I would left click move cursor to other extremity first but how bout instead of all these wonderful incredibly simple options I have NCH just not mess with the wheel click pan/scroll screen feature and I get from point A to point B with a quick click wrist-jerk. In what way did it benefit the software to remove this trivial detail. besides to keep myself from upgrading. I've used a dozen editors and VidPad was the only one who had this and it's what set them apart from everyone else and the main reason I chose VidPad to be my GoTo. One more insanily annoying problem this causes is lets say you've got more tracks in your audio than you can view at once and you need to move the audio half up and down quite a bit. Well you also just 9/10 x's are on the left end of the screen and have to move all the way over to the scroll bar now to scroll when before I could simply click my wheel and presto. I come from an AutoCad background and everyone who knows Cad knows this is the way we move around the screen, that's why it's such a habit and why I loved VidPad so much, Incredibly disappointed in this fumble. Sorry for acting like a child , certainly not directing my frustration towards your helpfullness. i just needed to point out how rediculous it is. THanks again for our response. maybe I should express my opinion up the ladder, If there where an actual reason for taking this out that made any sense I would understand but doing it just to do it makes me question who is making decisions around here

  3. please someone tell me i'm missing something. The main reason i use vidpad over the others is how its enabled me to move around the timeline so quickly. I've always pressed my mouse wheel button to pan all around and this 4.0 doesnt have that feature. wtheck is up with that. so i've now got to take the time to move my cursor to the scroll bar to move the screen around. that is horrible. i am hoping ive missed a different option. please enlighten me. I need the new effects of 4.0 but the changes in functionality are forcing to go back to 3.89 and find effects elsewhere. equally as annoying. thanks to all.

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