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Posts posted by ndewhurst

  1. I understand the utility of having a globally unique, sequential invoice number for each invoice in the database. However, I do not want to display that sort of number on the printed invoices I send to customers. Rather, I want to display an invoice number that is relevant to each customer and unaffected by invoices sent to other customers. E.g. If I have sent two invoices to Customer A, and then send an invoice to Customer B, the invoice number on Customer B's invoice should be "1" or "00001" or "BB-B/001," but should not be "3." Then, if I send another invoice to Customer A, its number should be "3" (or "00003" or "AA-A/003, etc. depending on prefixing and other settings). Ideally, there would be custom prefixing, leading zeros, and other pattern configuration *per customer* if desired. However, the most important feature I'm requesting (or hoping to find buried in the existing software) is the ability to display a customer-specific invoice number on each invoice.

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