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Posts posted by RajinCajun

  1. I gave up and was going to make a DVD of my half project, got a message when I tried to export: "this version of Videopad is for evaluation only" with an option to buy it. Guess you can only complete 1 project with the free version.


    I just ordered Nero instead 'cause the issues I was having Videopad would've been recurring, don't need the hassle and frustration trying to make a simple DVD. I use to have Nero 7, was a great program, never had any issues with it.

  2. Well, for some reason the free version "vpsetup" wouldn't let me export anything, whenever I clicked on it it would be a blank window, maybe it didn't install correctly, I don't know. I downloaded and installed the free "vppsetup" version and can now export projects. Was able to make a DVD of my first project, came out pretty good.


    Let me list some major problems I am having with a new project, before I do would just like to add the I have a modern day desktop computer, up to date Windows 7 OS, 2 GB RAM, AMD Athalon II dual-core processor, Nividia Geforce 6150SE graphics card (also up to date).


    1) My project started of beautifully, could edit clips in seconds. When I got about 10 minutes into the editing it slowed WAY down. Same thing happened with my first project.


    2) Now the program constanly fails to respond, what was taking seconds before is now taking agonizing minutes.


    3) Bogs down my entire system, impossible to multi-task while Videopad is running.


    4) Every time I use the program 2 GB of space disappear off my hard drive.


    I don't know what's going on here. I would really like to purchase this product but if it's this much of a pain I'm not going to bother.

  3. It won't let me export my project, looks like I wasted about 10 hours. If this is their idea of having people testing the product before buying it I'm not impressed. Definitely won't be purchasing if I don't know how my projects would look on DVD.

  4. I am using the free version of Videopad and just got finished making a project and now I would like to put it onto a DVD. How do I do that? I don't see any option to burn my project onto a disc,.

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