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Posts posted by RGone

  1. 5.jpg


    If it does not work as described in the image, then it's possible that it's a system specific issue. A video driver update sometimes helps solve odd problems. << Thanks "borate", I have even changed out the video card and of course it has latest ATI drivers for it. I think the key to the entire situation as regards my issue/problem is, that per multiple tutorials, I was left believing that a menu would "appear" to insert the text into. THIS miscommunication left me trying to locate where in the heck to put the TEXT I wanted inserted. Even the actual NCH Add Text tutorial for the "later" VP versions, was mis-leading me. That really put a kink in my panties. "martyson's" uploaded pic was my first clue and the thing that got me on the road to a (in my mind) workaround for adding text since the tutorials had me chasing ghosts. Also the saying by some that there 'must be' something on the timeline in order to insert text (not so) had me testing something else that was not necessary.


    If there's nothing on the timeline, the text clip will be inserted at the head of video track 1.

    If there IS something on the timeline, you should be prompted - if you have not chosen a default action in options settings. Thanks man for cleaning up the rest of the details for clarity. I had pretty much determined what you say about the placement of the Add Text in the actual viewed video clip...but it is nice to have my thoughts verified. Thank you, kind sir.


    Thanks are handed to all that have offered a hand of help. Even over the course of a weekend. I have to discern how the brightness/contrast is to be added to only one portion of a clip and how to utilize "manage camera jitter" but I believe that I should start another thread for that so that this thread remains a "how to add text" thread alone. Makes search of a forum easier and more handy.

    Again thanks to all,


  2. Okay I have managed to ADD TEXT. What it is, outlined below.


    "martyson" I knew that your capture in post #4 was where the issue was occurring

    as far as I could tell. I never got an opportunity to ADD TEXT to the supposed

    DropDown since it never appeared and HAS NOT done so until now.


    But I got ADD TEXT to work. The descrlption of how I got ADD TEXT to work

    without the Add Text menu dropdown ever appearing is shown in the images linked





    How I finally got ADD TEXT to work for "me".




    I am seldom one to just give up. The problem to me is that the tutorials all indicate

    that no matter what, when you click on ADD TEXT button, there 'should be' a

    dropdown/popup location in which to type your text. That did not and has not

    occurred yet for me.


    What accomplished me getting VP V.3.74 to a work around was your image you

    uploaded. I could see the HELLO in that tiny little box I outlined in my uploaded

    image. I clicked in that tiny box and it gave me the tiniest of dropdown to type into.

    Not a dropdown that went from side to side of the Preview window as shown in

    your uploaded image.


    But if I click in that tiniest of boxes...then I can type text into a teeny-tiny dropdown

    and I have text. Like the tutorial? Heck no. Ticks me off? Well surely. Spent hours

    viewing NCH tutorials to find they were useless as my VP V3.74 actually works since

    it never gives me a pretty good size area in which to type my text.


    What I am grateful for is that Image you posted in post #4, sir "martyson".

    Thank you all.


  3. Okay there are quite a few more post since I checked this thread. I watched the Nascar Nationwide race and then remembered that the last video editting that I did was on my laptop. I just built a new computer for VidEditting since I have a number of clips of my Dad's funeral a few weeks ago and need to get serious about some editting. No long time render on laptop for me again.


    So I purchased VP V 3.73 after using VP V. 3.36 for some time. In an effort to tell myself I was not fully nuts, I opened VP V3.36 on my laptop and ADDED SOME TEXT. Capture is below.




    You can see that I am not fully newbie on adding text to an image nor does VP V3.36 have to have any clip on the Timeline previous to using the ADD TEXT button. That is how the old and newer Tutorials say it should work. Nothing on timeline that I can see on timeline. And yet they utilize the ADD TEXT button.


    By the way in VP V3.36, when you click the ADD TEXT button a menu comes UP immediately in which to enter the text. NOT so in my VP V3.73 or 3.74.


    I was off watching the race then to my laptop to test VP V3.36 which works as tutorial illustrates and so I have not captured the image of VP V3.74 where adding an image file to the timeline does NOT then allow for entering of Text since the ADD TEXT menu never appears when I click on ADD TEXT button and it makes no difference if i have a clip on timeline or n0t.


    I am becoming very frustrated with NCH. I paid to move from VP V3.36 to VP V3.74 and I am still not comfortable in editting and rendering my Dad's funeral video for the rest of the family since only I did any video'ing.


    I spent hours watching Youtube type tutorial videos and then paid my money to move to a Licensed VP and have nothing but trouble so far. It is not the problem of forum goers that work for nothing and pro-offer assistance for free. I do that every day in an overclocking forum and that is why I put up pics in an effort to show what I was seeing. Get toward the same page as it were. But my rope is getting pretty short here.


    After seeing all that is written and testing VP V3.36 and not having to have video applied to timeline to use ADD TEXT feature and also having now inserted video onto the time line BEFORE clicking on the ADD TEXT button and n0t geting a popup menu in which to type what text i want...pretty sure I am having a software issue.


    I am going to go back up in the thread and REtest again all the various suggestions, which seem mostly to indicate that A newer VP Version MIGHT need a video clip on timeline BEFORE clicking ADD TEXT button, I will ensure that I 'again' have followed those suggestions althought have tried ADD TEXT with video on time line and has not worked to date.

    Thank you for pro-offer of assistance to date.


  4. Okay I went an uploaded the 7 captures with what I hope is explanatory text within the images so that it can be seen what I am seeing and that although I believe I am doing by instructions...Add Text is n0t working for me.

    Thank you,



    This image so you can see Version of VP I am using. V 3.74
















    I have gone to three other locations and downloaded VP Ver 3.74 and installed in my Win 7 64 bit operating system and still no luck. I thought perhaps I had installed a corrupted VPsetup exe. But still no luck with Add Text.


    What gets me is when I click on the Add Text button, the tutorials lead me to expect the another window to open by itself and allow for adding the text and setting the display time and in that window to click okay and the little image would go into the BIN and then by clicking on the A (tutorials all show a T) but clicking on the A would allow color change, font change, scrolling etc. I NEVER EVER see any Text added at all.


    Once I click on Add Text the small image goes direct to the BIN and I have do an "added" step to right click > Properties to put what TEXT I wish to see in that menu and adjust display time and OK and on to the A which I supposed would be a "T" and STILL NO TEXT. I hate the additional step of having to go to small BIN image and right click > Properties to insert my text and adjust display but having to do an additional step could be overlooked I suppose IF any TEXT were ever actually added. Something is wrong. I generally suspect myself...but this is getting to me now.

    Thank you.


  5. Well I suspected they had upload disabled and is why I asked. That sucks really since I captured all the steps I went thru and then get here and cannot upload. Oh well.


    Thank you for taking the time to post sir. However my V 3.73 nor 3.74 will follow along and produce any Text in the Add Text clip in bin nor in Clip Preview window and I have used the "Center" text so it would not be hidden high or low. No Text.


    What I see in your link is exactly what I 'expected' to see when using the Add Text feature, but it does not happen. You have Now is the time for all good men and in mine I typed Testing Text Add. It is noticeable in your Clip Preview window what you have typed and also on close examination you can see 'something' in the small image in the Clip Bin. BUT I never see any such thing happen. Nope.


  6. Hello:


    Brand new user here. Not new user of Videopad of versions in the V 2.xx but brand new to a paid for V 3.73 and 3.74.


    My issue is that following the old or newer NCH tutorials, I never see the expected results for the Add Text feature. I never seem to be able to actually Add Text.


    Because they say that a picture is worth a thousand words and working for years in forums about computers, I find that captures of the problem gives those who might help a better look into the problem. So i have 7 captures that I hope will describe my problem so this ole faht can get out of the ditch.

    Thank you,




    Okay now I am lost some more. I wanted to upload the 7 images that I mentioned above, but this forum does not seem to have UPLOAD feature that I can find. Is the only way to get an image viewed in this forum is to UPLOAD image to an outside hosting site and link the image back into my post??


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