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Posts posted by Dragon

  1. I am now getting the hang of editing and have transferred a few files to a USB stick. I was mistaken when I said a recording was unbalanced. The problem is that one 'side' of the album as recorded at a much lower volume than the other. I will try selecting that part and amplifying it.

  2. Thanks for the help, I will try your suggestions. Yesterday I spent a couple of hours editing old radio programmes we recorded 10 years ago which will be transferred to an SD card to be played in a car. With a lot of trial and error I managed to cut out the unwanted parts, the undo function is very useful! My next issue is a recording with one channel at a lower volume than the other, I need to raise the level on one but not the other, I think I will need to split the file into seperate channels.

  3. Hello,


    This is a really stupid question but I am having probles with the free version, downloaded just a few days ago.


    I am trying to edit old cassette tapes. I load the file to Wavepad and using the fantastic curser, select the exact spot I want the edit to start. I thought I could just mark the end point of the edit and cut it out, but that does not seem to be the case, so I try to drag the curser to select a section. The curser jumps away from my required edit point. What am I doing wrong? I have looked at the tuturial video but it doesn't seem to help.

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