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Pamela Ferdinand

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Posts posted by Pamela Ferdinand

  1. Wow, this happened to me too. I uninstalled the trial software cuz it wasn't working. I now have no sound drivers and no audio devices. Did a system restore and that fixed nothing. Fantastic software. /sarcasm


    Edit: Tried two more failed system restores. Finally did it again from safe mode and it worked this time. So, force83x, please try doing a system restore from Safe Mode and hopefully that'll work for you. Very disappointing that simply uninstalling a software could wreak such havoc.


    I would love to hear from the devs about how to avoid this problem in the future or fix it once it occurs without having to resort to a system restore. There will be some people who have the software installed for months or even years and can't simply do a system restore to before the software was installed in order to resolve the sound issues. I would actually like to use this software, as it seems one of the best out there, but I'm understandably leery at this point because I don't want to lose all my sound capabilities a year from now if I uninstall it and be SOL.


  2. I just installed the trial software. I did about ten test recordings of 10-30 seconds each. Now all of a sudden, when I try to record I get "This is a trial demo version of Debut Video Capture Software Professional..." Blah blah blah. According to what I found online (not anywhere on the NCH website of course), the trial version is supposed to be good for 14 days. So why is it already not letting me use the trial after only 30 minutes??


    I understand that it's telling me I can't use some feature. I had just messed with "Limit maximum recording time to," hidden the mouse cursor, and changed Video Compression settings to high quality. But when I got this error message, I changed the settings back to default and the error message still appears.


    Thanks for any advice you can give!


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