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Posts posted by samatm

  1. I have been trying for an hour unsuccessfully to use .csv import function. Instructions are terrible so I've clicked and clicked and nothing says "No Matching Records Found".

    If I can't import .csv files the program is useless. Can anyone help me to understand how to match the files? The "lead field" and "matching fields" tabs do not drop down.

    I click company on the left and company on the right then click "ok" and up comes the "No Matching REcords found".

    Looks like a useful program but this should be simpler or is the program broken?

    Thanks for any help



    See Kato's reply above. It works ! find the drop down box and select.. the field turns green when matched. Who woulda known !

  2. Yo guys, just worked it out.


    When you get to the match csv fields window you have two panes.

    Import fields pane on the left with the fields of your csv file.

    Reflect pane on the right with two colums being "Lead Fields" and "Matching Import Fields"

    Matching Import fields is a drop down menu field.

    So you want to match First Name from your csv file (left pane) to First Name in Reflect (right pane) then click on First Name in the right pane, then click right next to it in the Matching Import Fields column. A menu will drop down and you can select the appropriate column from your csv file in the left pane.



    Thanks Dude.....you win the prize. What was this an IQ test...horrible instructions by NCH. Thanks again ..much obliged !

  3. I have read the confusing instructions on importing .csv files. I have brought the file into the match .csv fields area and can't get it to do anything. The lead and match .csv tabs don't drop down. I click the left field and the right matching field and nothing happens. I've clicked myself stupid and when I click OK it just says nothing found.

    Program looks useful but if I can't import a .csv list to canvass from its useless.

    Any ideas?




    My problem exactly....What are we missing? I feel so STOOOPID :(

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