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Posts posted by JeffWilliams

  1. I had this same problem when I installed WavePad onto a new computer, even though I was using the same sound files (mp3) on the same hard drives that had been in my previous computer. The only difference was it was running Windows 7 rather than Win XP on the previous computer. I had done absolutely nothing to change the sound files in any way previous to attempting to edit in WavePad, which I had been using for years. On investigation, it turned out that Win 7 had changed the permissions that were set. These can be found by right clicking on a file or directory, then choosing Properties>Security and seeing which items are checked for each user. If this is the issue, I suggest going to the drive entry in the directory tree and changing the permissions for the user for 'This folder and children'. Don't forget to click 'Apply'.

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