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Posts posted by novatek

  1. Ok, how did you get the email notification to work? I am on a 2003 Server and have Verizon FIOS for internet. They require authentication. I have everything entered correctly, but my mail server rejects the mail saying MAIL FROM not accepted ... it's like it doesn't get my login information. I did have this working previously with older version ... suggestions?


    As for the pager question ... I have it set to call my cell phone through the forward to telephone option and it works without a problem. Their help file says this feature will work with "some pager systems" so it may be that yours is not compatible. Check to make sure you are allowing outbound calls - go into telephone and click on your device and go to properties, then the options tab. Make sure allow outbound is checked.

  2. I am having trouble getting e-mail to work. I had it working previously, but I had to reinstall IVM and re-setup everything and I keep getting "unable to connect to server" errors. I have the smtp information entered as follows: username:password@outgoing.verizon.net (with the correct user name and pw ... I know they are correct because if I change them and make them invalid I get a mail rejected error in lieu of the unable to connect error.) Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

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