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John Salvis

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Posts posted by John Salvis

  1. The file format used by Mixpad for storing files is probably not compressed (mp3) in order to preserve the full spectrum of information - like timing information, for example. Buy more storage or like many of us, finish your project and save it in stereo MP3 format before deleting the actual project and the associated audio files that are taking space.

  2. Not sure but I do know that when I save a project, loop Start and End points are not being recorded which means finding and re-entering them again and again and again. Still haven't heard back after sending in a "Buf Report".

  3. If you've searched the online Help documentation then you may be experiencing a flaw in the program. I've come across a few weekness like this myslef. Send a Bug Report to the folks at NCH. If it's not a Bug they should at least inform you. If you don't hear back I'd presume the functionality you are looking for does not yet exist.

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