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Posts posted by PSC

  1. Thanks for your replies. Nat, i already have that dialogue box come up each time, i would expect it to function as you suggest (i.e.pushing everything along the timeline) but it doesn't, it overwrites, hence my frustration with it. Borate, your solution partly works for me, i don't know if it's because i'm using the free version that functionality is limited, but i cannot highlight multiple frames, so will have to drag and drop each one in turn, time taking but perhaps quicker than re-doing. Thanks again to you both for taking the time to reply. :)

  2. I've spent quite few hours now playing about with Videopad and get on quite well with it, but one thing i can't seem to work out, or devise a workaround for, is how to insert a video or image within a project without overwriting existing video or images. It seems a very basic task so is particularly frustrating not to be able to find a way to do this. I've spent quite a while animating a series of images and am now looking to place an image at the front of this sequence but now cannot find a way to do this without overwriting part of the animation. What am i doing wrong? How can i insert an image or a chunk of time at the start?


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