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Posts posted by 101pet

  1. Thanks, You have been most kind to try to help.

    I tried that idea of Exporting to CSV but it only came up with one invoice.. If there was a way for me to easily know what invoices i have sent and what ones i might have 'pending to send' by viewing the shipping address, I'm really suprised a colume cannot be added or maybe the 'Order' colume could be used to enter the shipping customers name, or just to indicate that the invoice has been sent instead of either having to go to my Email account and look there or open every invoice individually to see what 'Job''customer' the invoice was for.




  2. Thanks for the reply.


    Then is there any way for me to look up the shipping adresses without going one by one through my invoices, my problem occurs because i do a lot of work for one company, so they go in the 'Client' box, but i still need to see what address i worked at, and they are in the 'Shipping box'. I have changed the tital of 'Shipping address' to 'Client information' on the invoice setup.


    Hope that's not to confusing ?

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