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Posts posted by mburtonsr

  1. After using & loving VP 3.00 on the first movie to YouTube

    I attempt to try the next, and am having a hair pulling experience. This first movie was 1:26:47 and did so well that I couldn't wait to jump in again, then the problem began. First attempt to create movie to DVD ( Samsung SE-S084C) on a new disk would not record, and after several attempts on the 1:30:36 new project I finally gave up on the DVD Recorder, I wanted the customer to see it before posting it to YouTube. VP says that file is not found but has been saved to your file (not there). These are long files and I am trying to keep from giving up, so then I send tech support the problem, but because I have not paid for it I'm on the waiting list. Now I go to YouTube and try to send it and it gives me the same story, no file, saved, and believe me I've tried all of the different settings. Their is nothing in the file name that might make it a problem, but the tube transfer will not go. Because one has worked and no changes have been made and it's the same computer I will not list the system, and the time to create these and simply get them viewed is so time consuming I need to vent here. Does anyone have a idea what the problem could be? I'm at a loss, is there a 1:30:00 time restriction? I say that because the first was 4 minutes under. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Don't want to keep fighting. Thanks!
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