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Posts posted by kimvette

  1. Leveraging OpenCL (parallel processing on GPUs) would provide a huge increase in performance, significantly improving both final export and can make preview work smoothly at full resolution if the sink is coded well and is highly scalable to take advantage of high end gaming video or even GPU cards (such as NVIDIA Tesla and similar cards) intended for supercomputing. CUDA would provide even higher performance, but then the software would be married to NVIDIA and would not take advantage of the GPU cores in i5 and i7 processors (nor AMD/ATI GPUs)

  2. I have been trying out VideoPad and have run into a defect - I have created four sequences, then if I create a new sequence and try to add one sequence to another the new one, VideoPad crashes. If I enable compatibility mode (Windows XP SP3 selected) the error is a Pure Virtual Function Call error.


    OS: Windows 7 Professional (x64 build)

    AntiVirus: Comodo Internet Security


    Resident software which interacts with GDI stack (I have tried disabling both and the error still occurs):


    * Greenshot

    * Virtu MVP



    i7-3770 processor

    16 GB RAM

    NVidia GTX 570 video card


    Event log error:


    - <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">

    - <System>

    <Provider Name="Application Error" />

    <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>




    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-07-08T07:17:43.000000000Z" />




    <Security />


    - <EventData>











    <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad\videopad.exe</Data>






    Steps to reproduce:


    1. Create a sequence - my sequences each contain two video clips (in this case, .mov files from a GS1000 dash cam, H.264 encoded), tiled in the top 50% (via chroma key effect of course), two text items added, and subtitles. I deleted the audio tracks intending to add an audio track to the final sequence (I do realize I will need to recreate the subtitles in the new sequence)

    2. Create a second sequence, same style. etc. etc. etc.

    3. Create a new sequence for the final output. Try adding one of the previously-created sequences as a video clip. The program will crash.

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