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Posts posted by mickelas

  1. Further to my previous, I must have something wrong as I saw the following and I have no options anywhere - am I looking in the wrong place? It says in manual about text blocks, grids etc, cannot find anything resembling that - HELP!


    Go to Options -> Invoice Layout -> Style.

    Scroll down to 'Text Block Positioning' section.

    Explore and try-out different configurations from the pull-down-list

  2. I am having the same problems - I am using MAC so thought that may make difference. I have spent ages trying different combinations of settings. The packing note has all required but a lot of overlapping and the customer details have suddenly gone to the top instead of my logo. Also there is a dropdown for templates which doesn't seem to offer anything other than default or custom, Help says there are choices of layout, where are these? Have resorted to going back to my previous version until I can get a usable layout, any help much appreciated.

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