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Posts posted by alibal

  1. When transcribing using my Express Scribe and need to time code, it appears like this 0:00:00.0 But I need it to look like this 00:00:00.


    Please advise

    My email is d.wendy@comcast.net


    Assuming you are typing in MS Word, try this:


    blank document



    record new macro

    name it whatever

    then click on keyboard and okay


    Next is customize keyboard panel and you click in press new shortcut key and type Ctrl A or whatever you chose and click on close.


    This puts you back in the document recording your keystrokes so you hit Ctrl T, then Ctrl V, backspace twice (to get rid of your tenths you don't need, then hit ctrl left arrow, backspace and type your decimal point (or colon); then hit ctrl left arrow twice, backspace and type your decimal; then hit end to put you at the end of your time then click on stop recording.


    I got this from a friend and it works for me. Thanks, S!


    Hope this helps, transtype.

  2. I've found a couple of times with Scribe that if I have a file over say the two hour-ish mark, once it hits a certain point it won't play any further and it just restarts from the beginning. So it appears to have the whole thing downloaded but after about 2 1/2 hours no matter what point you play it from it just plays from the beginning. And in other audio players it works fine. Does anyone have the same problem, or a workaround?




    Hi Jason,

    There are posts about this problem somewhere - I know as I had the same problem at one point! An easy way of dealing with it, though, is to download Slice from this site and split long audio into, say. one-hour sections and the problem will be gone.

    Good luck.


    ETA: Found one old thread but there may be others.


  3. Hello,


    I just downloaded the program, and despite my best efforts I cannot hear the file even though it's clearly playing. Any and all suggestions are welcomed.






    Have you tried settings, playback settings, sound device and made sure the name of your sound card is checked? Good luck.

  4. I have lost the channel box on my screen. It's been missing for days and now I really need it. I have checked my settings and it has show channels control ticked. Any ideas where it may be hidding?



    Dawn Wilkins


    It depends on the kind of recording whether channels are used or not. However, if you know there should be channels, try unchecking that box, close ES, reopen it and check the box again and the channel box should come back. Hope this works!

  5. I have been trying to get my express scribe set up to use FTP file attachments. I have put under "settings" the server name, username and password of my account. Do I also have to add the directory? When I test it it says server OK but the username and password not correct. That can't right because I use it to get into my account every day. Is there something else that I need to do? Getting very frustrating. Is there an easier way to get files from somone else to me? Thanks.



    One way is to download from FTP to desktop (or any place of your choosing) and then load into ES. Other benefit is you have a copy of the file in another place.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Hi All,

    Once I updated my express scribe, all of the files in "My Download" folder turned into express scribe files. Please help! Most of these files are music files.

    Thanks for any info that might help restore them to what they once were.


    Lori :(


    Just right click on any file, choose 'always open with' or something like that and check your normal music player.

  7. I have 2 laptops. On the one I have the older version of Express Scribe with Windows XP-- it works good with the pedal I have (VPR-2006-018), no problems.


    But when I use this same pedal on my new laptop with Windows Vista plus the the new updated version of Express Scribe, it is not working properly. The fast forward pedal actually goes backward, the rewind pedal goes forward, and the play-pause pedal will not pause, rather it interrupt/stops and then continues on through the dictation. I have tried reinstalling the program and the pedal several times, then turning off the computer, and restarting. It's still continuing to malfunction.


    What should I try next? Are there some more updates I need to install? Is there something I need to configure differently? I tried troubleshooting with the Express Scribe pedal tests, but nothing has changed. It hasn't helped.


    Please help :blink:




    You have probably done this but just in case: Settings, pedal and hotkey and take it from there. Choose your pedal type and other settings and run the pedal wizard.

    Good luck!

  8. That's correct. It is a multi-channel audio file. You referred to one of the channels being "muted." In the previous version, when I wanted Channel 0 to be inaudible, I simply used the slider and moved it as far left as possible. I'm doing the same in 4.17. Is this what you're calling "muting"? It'd be great if there was a "mute this channel" button!


    In 4.17, the slider holds the position to which I moved it, yet when I stop the audio and then either hit Play or Rewind/Play to resume the audio, both channels are audible. There were rare occasions during a several-hour period of time when Channel 0 would remain muted, but I could not detect any rhyme or reason as to why it did at those times and would not remain muted the majority of the time.


    I learned from a colleague that she had the exact same problem with the new version. Both of us have reinstalled an older version just to be able to get our work done, even though in my file, the sound quality is remarkably inferior. I'd love to be able to use the new version, but it's not an option for me unless I can get this problem resolved.


    Thank you for any recommendations.




    I do not have v4.17 but as you mention previous versions, does just selecting on/off in the channel window for 0, 1, 2, 3 not work?

  9. Thank you, alibal13. Do you mean, transcribe the file with Dragon, then edit them with ES? I do that, especially on longer files. (There's pros and cons -- if I don't edit in Dragon, I don't train it by correcting its mistakes, but Dragon is so slow.)


    If you mean something else, I'm interested!


    I mean I use ES to play the files and use ViaVoice to dictate them. Then I correct using the saved speech session on VV to ensure it continues to learn my voice. I keep the programs separate as, for this use, there is no need to integrate them. Do you have something else in mind? What do you mean edit with ES? If Dragon is slow, maybe you have an older version? Have a look at www.speechcomputing.com - there is loads there about Dragon.

    Please let me know if I have missed the point!

  10. I don't know if this will help, particularly as I am not a Dragon user. However, I use ViaVoice and I found similar conflicts with ES. My solution was to uncheck the box 'use speech recognition engine' and open ES and your SR program independently. It's not ideal but it works! I have ES 4.15.

  11. I think that's pretty much true for any special processes on any program, not just NCH. If you want to "multitask" while ExpressScribe is performing a special process, then have a "Show Desktop" shortcut on your bottom taskbar, and click that. Any task that involves anything complicated will slow down, of course, while the Special Processes are doing their special processing, so anything that's not pretty simple will just have to wait. --krn

    Thanks so much for your reply, krn. I thought as much but I just wondered if there was a setting I had missed.

  12. The Express Scribe window can be minimised... Can you please elaborate on what you're trying to achieve with what window?


    If you're referring to the Express Scribe Mini window, this is designed to always remain on top of all other windows. If you do not wish to have this, simply close this window (CTRL+M within Express Scribe).

    Hi nchto,

    Sorry, my query wasn't very clear! I mean when I am actually using one of the special processes, the ES main window will not minimise. When the 'processing' window is on top of the main window I mean. If you try it just blips to tell you to leave it alone until it has finished.


  13. Wonderful addition to the latest version. However, why can the window not be minimised (or even dragged to the bottom of the screen) while it is doing its thing? It would be good to be able to get on with some other work while this is going on.

    Also, although I have now learned from experience, when particularly the noise-reduction process is going on, the counter gets to what looks like finished and it looks like it has hung - no info to say it is still working. Sorting out these irritations would be much appreciated.

    Thanks again for a great program!

  14. Hi


    I recently installed a new Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000 keyboard. I have also got a new computer using Vista and would like to start setting up Quick Parts, which is an expander but this needs the F keys to work. Now when I use ExpressScribe and try to use my keyboard F keys, ExpressScribe thinks I want to Play, Rewind, or Stop! What I actually want to do is to expand with just a few keystrokes. I have gone onto the Settings, Control, and Hot Keys and tried the Remove button, but this does absolutely nothing. Please help me turn off the default settings that are assigning my keys. Thanks.


    Hi Marie,

    Did you select each hotkey individually and then click remove?

    Good luck!

  15. My foot pedal was working fine but suddenly it has stopped working. I've only used it twice as it is brand new and I haven't even paid my credit card bill yet. I've unplugged it and then uninstalled Express Scribe and reinstalled it and then tried to set up the foot pedal again (this is what After Sales suggested) but NOTHING I do works and I still get an error message - sometimes that the hardware has malfunctioned, sometimes that there is a driver error, sometimes that the game port is in use. Bottom line is the foot pedal doesn't work and it's a nuisance using the F keys. Please, can someone help me? :angry:


    I am sure you have tried this but just in case... Plug the pedal in before you open ES. Then in settings make sure you check VEC Pedals USB (assuming that is what you bought) in the drop-down list and run the Foot Pedal Control Wizard. Mind you, if the pedals were working before, this may not help!

    Good luck!

  16. Okay, I've been trying to replicate this issue but am having difficulties. Can you please go through exactly what you did and what happened? What foot pedal settings do you have enabled (suck as quick tap locks play)?

    Hi nchto,

    I use hot keys and a couple of times when you get to maybe about three-and-a-half hours of, say, a seven-hour mp3 file pressing F7 suddenly takes you to the beginning of the recording. It does not actually go back - just plays the audio which is at the beginning. As I said to Bonnie, the only way to work through it is to keep going - not a great trick for a transcriptionist in a hurry! It sometimes resolves later in the recording. Apart from the hassle, many clients want a time marking for any [inaudible] and giving them e.g. 3hrs 25 will not help if it is actually playing minute one!

    Hope you can solve this problem. Thanks for your support!



    PS: I have version 4.15c

  17. I hope someone can help me. I was transcribing a court hearing, and all of a sudden when I lift my foot off the foot pedal, the recording goes back to the beginning. The hour/minute count remains the same, but I'm listening to the very beginning of the trial. This is not good. It started doing this at about 3:24:32


    Thanks for your help!


    I have encountered this too - only on long files and round about the same time as you describe. I could find no solution except rewinding far enough to get back to where it plays properly and try not to stop (very hard!) until you have passed the part where it decides to go back to the beginning. The only other option (which of course may not be one with courtroom tapes) is to ask your client to split the audio for you.

    Good luck!

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