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Posts posted by aSnowyEvening

  1. Thank-you both for your responses. I ended up upgrading to version 3.01, it looks like there are no restrictions to saving my projects which is good. I was able to add a text overlay with as per your posts, with a black outline applied to the white text. I'll be purchasing the full version as funds become available.


    Thank-you both again!

  2. Thanks for the quick response!


    I know how to overlay text in this version as well, the problem is that the text needs to have a black outline so that it can always be legible. Sadly, fonts can only be one colour, so the simple overlaying text on top of the video won't work here.


    The workaround I thought of was to create an image in Gimp with a transparent background, write the text I need in the outline font, fill in the text in white, save it, and then use this image as a watermark over top of the video with the opacity of the image so that the image is completely opaque.


    The problem is, the area where the original image should be transparent (and is when using other programs), is filled in with black when used in VideoPad. So instead of floating text, the watermark looks like text in a black box.


    As you can tell from the version I have, it has been a while since I've downloaded VideoPad. Am I able to save and export my projects without restriction using the free trial of 3.0/3.01? I am trying to cut down on unnecessary spending, so I can't pay for an upgraded version at this time.

  3. Hi there,


    I am having difficulty adding watermarks to my video correctly. I have a .png file that I would like to use with a transparent background. However, I add the watermark to the video, the background of the file appears to be black instead of transparent. Am I doing something incorrectly, or is this a bug with this version of the software?


    I'm using v2.12


    Thanks in advance.


    (Alternatively, is there an easier way to add white text with a black outline to a video with this version of the software?)

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