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Posts posted by mstelephone

  1. Yes, I am seeing much the same thing with Version 1.30, with slight differences.



    The only difference is that if Uplink starts first (and auto-launches Skype), then none of my SIP calls to Uplink get noticed (ie. Incoming SIP call does not show up on display log)


    But if I start Skype first, then Uplink, works perfect.


    Another method, is to do the following:

    Shut down Uplink

    Open Skype, and select Tools->Options->Privacy and select "Manage other programs' access to Skype", and remove UPLINK.

    Shut down Skype


    Then when I restart Uplink, it will "re-attach" itself to Skype, and then my incoming SIP calls work fine.


    It is as if Skype is no longer honoring it's attachment to Uplink. Uplink display log though shows that it has successfully attached to Skype.

  2. Version 1.2 still had this freeze issue as I described.


    But Version 1.3 seems to address the issue.



    NOT sure though if 1.30 seems to have a new issue.

    It won't accept the incoming SIP calls. But if I go into Skype, and select Tools->Options->Privacy and select "Manage other programs' access to Skype", and remove UPLINK.


    Then when I restart Uplink, it will "re-attach" itself to Skype, and then my incoming SIP calls work fine.


    It is as if Skype is no longer honoring it's attachment to Uplink. Uplink screen though shows that it has successfully attached to Skype.

  3. Hello nchBen,


    Yes, thanks for the information.

    Plus all the extra SIP support (outbound proxy support) was added.



    I am still observing the freeze making a SkypeOut call as descibed in



    The only slight difference is that if I quit the call before my SkypeOut number rings, it quit properly. But if my SkypeOut number has actually started to ring, then the Skype/Uplink appear to freeze. If the SkypeOut called number answers, everything is OK.


    Again, on Ethereal, the SIP messages look perfect, and Uplink indicates ...

    "Call has disconnected"

    "About to hang up Skype line"


    By killing Uplink, Skype recovers. This seems to be 100% repeatable.



    I'll have to look into it further, but if I start Uplink without Skype running, Uplink will automatically start Skype. But when I initiate my SIP call, Uplink doesn't seem to receive the call. But if I start Skype first, then Uplink, everythink is OK.



    Thanks, Martin

  4. I believe I can successfully re-create the Skype "freezing" issue 100% of the time


    Skype: Version

    Uplink: Version 1.1

    Windows XP Home Edition: Version 2002, Service Pack 2


    As mentioned in previous posts, I have only seen the issue in SkypeOut calls, not in regular Skype to Skype calls.


    When my VoIP endpoint makes a SIP -> SkypeOut call, it will always work if I let the SkypeOut call get connected. (ie. call recipient answers the call) BUT, if I quit (CANCEL) the call before the call is setup, then I will experience the freeze.


    Uplink correctly accepts the CANCEL from my VoIP endpoint, and indicates "Call has disconnected". Hence the SIP messaging [ CANCEL / 487 Request Terminated ] is correct. (observed on Ethereal)


    During this CANCEL state, the Skype client is showing "Connecting ..." Even though my VoIP endpoint has gracefully CANCEL the call, Skype is stuck in this state and frozen. If I kill the Uplink process via Windows Task Manager, Skype then unfreezes, shows "Cancelled" and continues to work normally after that.


    nchBen, are you able to confirm that you can re-create the issue in this manner ?


    Definitely would be sweet if this freeze issue can be addressed on the new version.



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