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Posts posted by junkkysixx

  1. hello to all !!!


    I am new here nad I have just started to use MixPad programe nad I have some problems, it is about recording multiple tracks ,any help would be welcome.


    I am recording only guitars for now, and first I recorded a rythm part in one track. Then I went to record some solo in the other track below, but problem is that in the other track I hear both the solo and the rythm part from the first track. It records both first track once again plus solo part and that sound is very terrible.

    When I was recording a second track, the red buton (record) on the first track was turned off, and it didn't go well. I can only record the second track when the frist one is on mute, but if I can't here the rythm part below solo it sounds like shit.


    I would really apreciate if someone could help me with that .



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