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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. You might try first converting the clip to another format, using a program designed for that purpose. What format is it now?

    It could help others to analyze the problem if you list your PC's resources here: CPU, memory, video card, etc.

    Hello, Borate.

    I had the same problem. And I'm sure that this is the result of my current equipment (Samsung netbook - poor graphics...).

    (I'm waiting now for Intel's Skylake processor to buy something new ...)

  2. Hello, Nat,

    I have another question for you.

    Today I posted on YouTube one video. There's a red flag thear.

    But the color of this flag "lawfully" disappeared (as it should be in this case).

    However, I would like thear to have a colored flag.

    Is it possible to "paint" only the flag, leaving everything else as in the old movies?


    Look: This man looks like a buccaneer with a black flag(on my video), and not as a freedom fighter. :)

    "Die Schnitter Des Geyers schwarzer Haufen"

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZB29-iuqefs (this one's mine)

  3. Hi, Nat, thanks for the description.


    Interestingly, this horizontal oval, which I borrowed from the other clip, appeared almost round in my video!

    In the original video it looks like a clear oval.

    How could it be transformed ?

    (compare themselves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7o9YlLxcWc - this is a video that I(Farasht) exposed on YouTube; there is a description where the source address also indicated; click on it)

  4. Hello (Nat and Borate).

    I took the link that gave me Borate (for the program Paint.NET).

    I visited their forum and one commenter gave me advice to record an image in PNG-format (using Paint.NET).

    It worked: I got a clear picture, and without the bounding rectangle (apparently it's the same thing that advised me Nat hereinabove).


    I have even put it out on Youtube (an old German song with bicolor text in German and English on the screen); but I, probably, will change a bit the video.

    VP has a Circle-transition, but there is no oval-transition (horizontal). - This would be much more interesting.

    Such oval is present in the video (which I used) of another user (and I left it in my video too).

  5. Hi.

    I found two online videos of an old German song.

    On the first of them the singer performed clearly better.

    However, the second one was better in the video (only part of).

    So I combined the parts I needed; and used lyrics in German and English to display text on the screen..


    I applied the 'Add Text' button. On the screen the text looks like this:

    GGGGGGGGGGGG (white letters for German)

    EEEEEEEEEEE (red letters for English)





    But I used the 'Subtitles' button for the title of the song in German and English.

    And here I have a problem.

    Song title should look like this(in the upper right corner):




    GGGGGGGGGGG (white)

    ( for language differences, I would like them to do with different colors ...)

    But nothing happens - all are in the same color (although I have used the same technology as in the lyrics).

    Had to separate them by extra dotted line.

    ? - (VP 3.24)

    PS: If the name of the song consists of one line, you normally get a different color lines:



  6. Hi.

    I found two online videos of an old German song.

    On the first of them the singer performed clearly better.

    However, the second one was better in the video (only part of).

    So I combined the parts I needed; and used lyrics in German and English to display text on the screen..


    I applied the 'Add Text' button. On the screen the text looks like this:

    GGGGGGGGGGGG (white letters for German)

    EEEEEEEEEEE (red letters for English)





    But I used the 'Subtitles' button for the title of the song in German and English.

    And here I have a problem.

    Song title should look like this(in the upper right corner):




    GGGGGGGGG (white)

    ( for language differences, I would like them to do with different colors ...)

    But nothing happens - all are in the same color (although I have used the same technology as in the lyrics).

    Had to separate them by extra dotted line.

    ? - (VP 3.24)

    PS: If the name of the song consists of one line, you normally get a different color lines:



  7. Thanks Nat and Borate for advice

    I inaccurately said about framing;

    I meant a sharp contrast (resembling straight lines) of

    the background image in a new place with other colors.

    The Crop operation I had previously learned (thanks to the instruction of Nat).

    But Crop just leaves sharp rectilinear boundaries ...

    Is there a possibility (as opposed to Crop) to obtain an image without these rectilinear boundaries ?

    Boundary would have to repeat the zigzag contours of the image (with the possibility to manually change the curvature of the zigzag and even move it in certain places to the image itself) -

    Then the image is to be copied and added to the video.

  8. Hello.

    I am not very experienced in VP.

    I had previously used the VP at home.

    Now again I want to change one video:

    I want to apply a flower image in the lower right corner.

    (so I put the image of the flower on top on the additional videotrack)

    But around the flower(during playing) remains rectangular frame,

    inherited from the processing of the image(outside of VP).

    Is there any way to remove that frame, leaving only the image of the flower ?

    Moreover, I would like to get rid of the original background of the image, but I do not know how...

  9. Hi


    Versions 3.24 and 3.29 have got some audio effects that include a High pass filter.

    This is moderately effective at removing wind noise etc. but you will have to experiment with the settings.


    In 3.29 :Right click the clip in question to select it and then the "Audio Effects" tab on the toolbar.

    In 3.24 :Click the"Effects" tab and then select "Audio Effects"







    to Nat: Thank you for the advice.

  10. Dear borate, I'm new with very little practice (I do not even know what means "esoftware").

    But I have probably a similar problem:

    - There is a video on Youtube - with dark stripes on the left and right;

    - I would like to stretch the video horizontally on the screen;

    - I've been through VideoPad / 3.02 mutated (exported) this video as a "widescreen" (TV / Youtube).

    But all my efforts ended in failed. (:

    Maybe I will hear from someone any idea?

  11. Hi


    You will need to treat your video either with a third party program such as the freeware Virtualdub or download the "Smart Resize" virtual dub filter which will enable you to change the aspect ratio and which can be added to the Videopad plug-in folder (or elsewhere) and used within the program. You can load the plugin (.VDF file) from the Options tab and also access one of the many sites listing different filters.


    There is a Smart Resize filter listed here...




    Worth trying





    Nationalsolo, thank you very much for your advices!

    I'll definitely try it all.

  12. (Working with video is new to me. I cut out some clips and combined them with VideoPad.

    This is all my experience)

    * * * * *


    sometimes there are unprofessional videos on YouTube.

    For example, a video can be COMPRESSED VERTICALLY.

    Can VideoPad VIdeo Editor fix this in a video?

    The following video is vertically compressed, which I would like to correct:


    ALAN - Honga kaft



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