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Posts posted by xucaen

  1. Today I recorded a video using Fraps. That video is 1080p. When I play it, it looks very nice. Now I import it into Video pad, video pad does its conversion as it always does, except now it converts it to extremely low 240P resolution. Why is it doing that? I have Video pad v3.0, fully registered. I looked through the settings and it seems OK. what am I missing? What went wrong with video pad? I want to edit and save my videos in 1080p. Please tell me how to fix it.



  2. I just downloaded the new version of videopad, and everything is now different. See the attached image. WTF is that?? Why can't I remove this space? It plays like a blank clip and I can't get rid of it.



  3. Hi, I'm not sure if you have your answer, but I noticed that sometimes if I save as .avi the sound doesn't play in the video player. I but when I saved the same video as .wmv it played fine in the video player.

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