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Posts posted by Terri

  1. :)

    you need to locate the files on your computer using windows explorer, and then open Switch and drag the files into the switch window.


    hopefully we can provide playlist support in Switch in the release after next.


    is "Mahalo" a Hawaiian word?

    Many thanks nchtj I'll try what you suggested in reply #5. Wish me luck! Terri P.S. Yes, "mahalo" is how they say, "thank-you" in Hawaii.

  2. unfortunately this forum (and the others) is not for asking general knowledge questions about audio formats, it is for issues people have with loading various formats into any of our products.


    If you want some general knowledge information, you can either use google, or go to our affiliate technical support site TheHelper.net and ask your question there.

    None of your company's products can help me with this???? Thanks, Terri

  3. I'm back,still frustrated about converting those M3U files. nchtj, I did go to a notebook and was able to pull up M3U's. Apparently they ARE in my computer (I believe as some type of extension you mentioned). So now what do I do to convert them???? SOS..... :blink: Mahalo for your time! Terri

  4. Hi,


    m3u files are not audio files, they are audio playlists. If you open the m3u file up in notepad you will see links to audio files contained inside. Those audio files are either stored somewhere on your computer, or they are stored on the Internet somewhere. If they are stored on the Internet, the m3u file will list the file link as starting with "http://".


    Please verify whether your mp3 files are store on the Internet or on your computer and let me know.

  5. :unsure: PLEASE.. Is there ANYONE out there who can help me convert M3U files to MP3's. I've been downloading music and when I'm ready to burn CD's alot of the files that I downloaded as MP3's end up being M3U's. I am VERY new at using the computer so please explain in simple terms if possible. Many thanks! Terri
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