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Posts posted by scottsaunders

  1. Opening Switch this morning, I was greeted with a message that my copy of Switch had expired. Since I was using the free version of Switch, not Switch Plus, I ignored the message and went to convert the batch of DSS files I had to the WAV files using the GSM 6.10 codec.


    Opening the converted batch, I found each file had been made, but the file had only 113 bytes of null garbage in it.


    I've uninstalled Switch and reinstalled, with no change. I've uninstalled, scoured the registry manually, rebooted, and reinstalled, and still no change. The second machine that I use also came down with the same malady this morning when attempting to get the same DSS files converted.


    On a whim, I tried convert a series of MP3's to CD-quality PCM WAV's - in that instance, the application worked fine.


    It would be my guess, but I think the DSS codec triggers the functionality of Switch Plus. According to NCH's Switch FAQ:

    The Switch file converter can open files in mp3, wav, wma, aif, aiff, au, ra, ram, gsm, vox, raw, ogg, aac, flac, snd msv, dvf, dss and many more formats. It can convert these to wav or mp3 files. Switch Plus version also encodes aac, flac and ogg files.
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