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Posts posted by werd

  1. Hey there. I've had the same problems with this program. Just one little extra tip to speed up the "click yes, go to Safari, go back to Switch and click yes" process. When the window saying you need flip4mac comes up, hit enter. As soon as it switches to Safari hit CMD + Tab to get right back to Switch. By then you can hit enter again to 'confirm install' and it will start to convert. BTW for those that don't know, the CMD key is the one with the apple on it. This is just using a normal keyboard shortcut (same as Alt + Tab in Windows) that flips between programs.... try it! Also, if you hold the CMD button after hitting Tab, you will see the icons of your running programs pop up in the middle of the screen that you can tab through. This doesn't get rid of the problem of having to do it every time (man that sucks!), but may help it go a little faster for you if you have a bunch to do.


    If anyone has found a better free WMA to MP3 converter for Macs, please let me know.

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