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Posts posted by Rudydvs

  1. Hi


    I think it's simply because you have plugged in a capture device that uses Nero. If I plug in my webcam, it's the webcam output that is captured. In the Capture screen you can set the device to use if there is more than one device connected, but under this you can set the encoder. (H.264 or MPEG4) Try changing this, it may make a difference.




    Tried the suggestion however, in the Capture screen under "capture from;" there is only one device listed which is Microsoft DV Camera and VCR. I have a Panasonic PV GS-35 camcorder. I am using Nero 10. So, the idea

  2. Hi


    I believe that the Nero software produces an avi container with a Divx format file which won't play in VP or WMP, although the sound file being mp3 or ac3 is recognised and plays. You will need to convert it to a compatible file such as MPEG2 or MPEG4 or wmv all of which can be imported and played. (Note: MPEG4 won't play in WMP)





    Great, thanks. I was beginning to suspect that. However, why does the capture function within Videopad open up the Nero program to capture

  3. I have a simialr issue.


    I used Nero to cpature my video because when I selected Capture within video Pad it opened Nero. Okay, so I captured and saved as an AVI for import into Video Pad. 4 of the 5 videos captured this way will not "import". I get a pop up with


    Could not Open File:


    location name.avi


    SO, what is the possible issue. All the files are captured exactly the same from the same camcorder using Nero capture and saving as an AVI

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