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Posts posted by DogMaMa

  1. I am having the exact same problem. Unless Video Pad Video Editor can resolve this problem immediately, I am forced to search (and pay for) another video editing program. Very disappointing. Too bad, too, because I like the layout and ease of use of VPVE, and all the time I spent familiarizing myself with the program, and the purchase price, is down the toilet!


    I have had great success using VP and own a paid copy. However, I just upgraded to a new Sony with the AVCHD HD format. VP does not recognize the file format. Does anyone know if there will be an update coming in which VP will be able to work with these HD file formats?


    I am getting around it by exporting the video to MPEG2 but that defeats the purpose of shooting the video in better resolution but not being able to edit it.:(

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