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Posts posted by scotch

  1. Hello TS,


    Upgraded to the pd. ver. SSFCP hoping to manipulate file names as indicated- SSFCP / Options / CD track / Custom Format . I've come to grips with not being able to convert entire folders and have them arrive in a converted destination folder in tact(in the artist folder. Its an argeuos process creating new folders / sub-folders for the destination location , but okay.


    Here's my next dilemma I'm hoping for some insight.

    In SSFCP / Options / CD track / Custom Format its indicating I can manipulate how the file names arrive after converting from a CD track. Is this also possible with dwnldd torrent files?

    What I'm trying to eliminate from the file name is the Track Number being in front of the track title . What is happening is when I create playlist it arranges all the tracks by numbers > to < . Depending on what music player software you use on a portable device and select random play , if you have multiple tracks /same artisit/ starting with 01 as the start of the file name that is how its going to select its random generating process, I imaging there's better players that use a deeper- in-to the file name selection process. My chances of producing truly random generated tracks in a playlist would be to have the Track Name be the first identifier in the players selection process (alphanumeric Vs. numeric).


    If this is doable here's how I would like the file to arrive in the converted destination folder for creating playlists


    Track Name / Album / Artist

    {%trackname% %album% %artist%} is this correct?


    Can you show me how this would need to be done in the custom format option?

    (like I stated I already have to create the folders and sub-folders in the destination , then what I do is -select edit / select all (tracks) / rht click option - convert w/ SSFC or sometimes if too large i just click drag highlighted area. So all I need is to change the file name in options to arrive in the pre-selected destination folder w/ the new track name, right??


    Reality check!

    Are track # 's embedded in the trackname ......and there's no getting around this!?

  2. Thanx Vapors , still waiting on a couple more replies to verify this is my only process option for converting folders, apology for how I tried to explain my question . Although the converter allows option: Tracks or Folder to convert, it won't output / land the converted folder instead it lands the content or tracks only, this is a bummer and not quick if you have 200+ folders w/ +21000 tracks to convert. I need to get lossless files down to mobile manageable sizes for cloud services. This file converter program comes highly rated , but I am a bit surprised the requested functionality is not a part of the program.

  3. I can’t drag a ‘folder’ into the program (version 1.24, win xp)- I must select the audio tracks and drag them onto the window, so I am confused by what you say.

    Anyhow, here is my method of operation: Within the desired folder (album/concert/what have you) I create a new folder with mp3 added to the name, then when setting up the conversion in Switch, browse for that destination folder, and of course set the output format and encoder options. Or you can also create a new folder during the conversion set up within the program itself.

    So I believe your answer is yes - you should create a destination folder to land the files in, which is pretty quick and easy. Good luck!

  4. Converting music folders from Lossless / wma files to lower bit rate and mp3 to carry on an SD card. I can't seem to get the program to send the converted folder to a destination within the folder .... it arrives in the destination folder in individual tracks.

    Is there a selection I'm missing in the setup or am I going to have to make /label individual folders in the destination folder for these to land in a head of time??

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