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Josiah Coates

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Posts posted by Josiah Coates

  1. I upgraded to Lion last week and have been unable to get Switch to work since. I'm attempting to convert a FLAC file to MP3 for instance (my most common usage of Switch) and receive the following errors:


    "You can't open the application mp3el because PowerPC applications are no longer supported."




    "You can't open the application flacdec because PowerPC applications are no longer supported."


    Anyone have a workaround? I emailed Switch support about this issue but have heard no response. It seems that Lion essentially bricks the app.



    Yup having same troubles with wave pad. There is a version of mp3el for mac but it still won't work.

  2. I have a 2011 mac book pro and just installed OSX Lion.


    When I try to save an mp3 format audio it comes with a message saying "You can't open the application mp3el because PowerPC applications are no longer supported."


    WHAT DO I DO!!!???



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