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Posts posted by lostecho

  1. Hi,

    I'm running Windows XP (PC Tablet Ed.) and also having the same issue trying to upgrade 4.37 to the newest 5.30. Gets to the License Agreement screen and once you "accept" and click next, "program not responding". Since we've established it isn't working over multiple OSes, maybe there's something wrong with the install file itself?


    BTW: what I've tried so far is updating my (long overdue) Windows updates; turn my PC off, back on; and deleting the install file and trying a new download. Nothing so far works. I don't want to delete ver 4.37 because I actually need to use ES tonight and if it still doesn't work then I'm screwed :)


    UPDATE: I just tried installing 5.30 on a barely-six-month-old HP desktop running Windows 7 Home Premium and it went off w/o a hitch, so now I'm REALLY confused why it won't install on my laptop running XP.


    UPDATE 2: On Wednesday I filed a ticket with NCH Support Team to see if they can figure this out. It was apparently forwarded to another team so I imagine someone is stumped, lol. I'll let you guys know if/when I hear anything back or can otherwise fix this myself. I tried uninstalling my version (4.37) to install 5.30 but that didn't work, and now I don't have ES on my Win laptop at all, so I'm having to use the Mac version for now.


    UPDATE 3: Okay, so I got a response back from NCH support...





    Thank you for choosing NCH software



    Can you go to C:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\Scribe


    And uninstall Scribe Using uninst.exe file.


    Install all the available Windows Updates for your Computer,


    and finally reinstall Scribe and run with full administrative privileges



    Let me know the results"


    I did this (trust me, it wasn't as easy as it sounds, since I didn't know the Administrator PW on my laptop so I wasted time Googling how to find that out. I ended up downloading OphCrack Password Recovery but that didn't find the password. Turns out there wasn't one set up (but leaving the field blank didn't work). So then I had to figure out how to set one up and my computer was being temperamental by refusing to load in Safe Mode. Finally I was able to get into Safe Mode, go into the Admin account, set up a password, then tried the steps listed above and 5.30 installed with no issues. Note: When it says "run w/ full administrative privileges", I right-clicked the 5.30 install file and chose "run as"; the window that comes up will give you the option of running the install program as your currently active account or as the Admin. Choose the Admin and enter your Admin Account pw there. That should get you going. Hopefully this helps you guys out, too.

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