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Posts posted by kelsie

  1. I need to convert .m4a files to .wav files on an old Windows computer. I go online via a Linux live CD (can't install software and it won't convert sound files). I downloaded the Windows switchsetup.exe here, carried it to my XP and installed it and went to convert the .m4a files. But I get a message that I need to get an addon: www.nch.com.au/components/aacdec.exe. Where do I get that? The XP can't go online to follow the link and I don't want to put an .exe address in my Linux browser. Why does the current software download even need an add-on? Thanks


    :-) UPDATE: I found the aacdec.exe to download at http://www.nch.com.au/components/index.html


    :-( But, on the last file I was converting I got a message that it needed another add-on, ffmpeg11.exe. There is no .exe to download of that name, just ffmpeg, ffmpeg2 and ffmpeg3.


    :-( I then tried to install WavePad and convert through that program but also got the same message, need ffmpeg11.exe. So I'm at fail.


    Now what? Thanks

  2. I need to convert .m4a files to .wav files on an old Windows computer. I go online via a Linux live CD (can't install software and it won't convert sound files). I downloaded the Windows switchsetup.exe here, carried it to my XP and installed it and went to convert the .m4a files. But I get a message that I need to get an addon: www.nch.com.au/components/aacdec.exe. Where do I get that? The XP can't go online to follow the link and I don't want to put an .exe address in my Linux browser. Why does the current software download even need an add-on? Thanks

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