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Posts posted by PhoneTester

  1. In my quest to substitute Skype, I have been comparing a bunch of softphones lately.

    I have shortlisted 3 applications and Express Talk is one of them (#CXPhone and PhonerLite being the other two. I did not like Bria (shareware), and Jitsi still has a long way to go).


    I just found out that my ET installation is not registered, and since I am still in trial period, I am yet to see what features are gone in the free version.


    Here are the missing features, annoyances or bugs I have noticed in ET Business Edition:

    - Every time after placing a call, the general and wave volume of Windows XP is set to the maximum. Well, Idont think this is the intended behavior as i can lose my audition trying to listen to music right after calling with ET, so I guess this is a bug (unacceptable bug).

    - Splash screen. As ET could be an application I would like to launch at system startup, the splash screen is unacceptable. I have not found a way to disable it.

    - In order to substitute skype, i miss encryption. I guess it might support SRTP... but that means you need to set up TLS connections to SIP servers, which may not be possible to start with. Is ZRTP going to be supported?

    - The auto recording feaure is nice (is it included in the free version?), but I miss video call recording built in.

  2. I know it is longtime from this... but hey, why the hell some people insist on using Paypal?


    Paypal shouldn't exist to start with.

    - If you care about your privacy, you better stay away from Paypal. Paypal is the worst thing that may happen to your privacy.

    - If you care about security, your bank should help you here with that. In my country (not developed one), most banks offer prepaid virtual cards for online payments. These can be associated to your account so that you can easily manage how much money you want in the card, or can be anonymous.


    Blame your bank for not offering a solution for online payments... or blame the website for not offering voucher payments (ukash and the like), but you cannot blame someone for not using Paypal, because Paypal is crap!

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