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Posts posted by tobovideo

  1. Hello,


    I have upgraded from V 2.41 to V 4.30 and I'm amazed about the functionality in the actual version.


    Now I have made my first project in V 4.30 and there was something to do with audio. Working with the Clip Preview came a question...


    If I have setted in In- and an Out point on a clip this area is shown bright in the Clip Preview, the not used part is dark. This is ok.

    But the time index in the Clip Preview is the index of the whole file. So I have the following problem:

    If I have the scrubber line on the timeline on one position I have no functionality to jump on the same position in the Clip Preview.


    Because the time indexes are different I cannot use this as a workaround.


    It would be good to have to things:


    1) Show the time index of the trimmed part in Clip Preview

    2) Have on the timeline a function "Jump to this position in Clip Preview"



  2. Have tested v3 a little bit. One essential new function for me is the grouping function.

    Some comments and questions:


    1) Searching for a function to select all clips on one track.

    2) If a video clip and a audio overlay clip are grouped they are moved together, fine. But if I insert then a video clip the grouped overlay clip is not moved. One of the most missing functions in v2 for me is to insert a video clip wihthout distorting the time relations of the existing clips (all, also overlays).

    4) by the way...are existing chapter markers moved now, when a clip is inserted ?

    4) In v2 the timeline postion marker is set on the begin of a clip if I mark a clip. How to do this in v3 ?

    5) Is the beta in debug compiled ? It is much slower than v2. Ok it has many new features...

    6) How much will be the update from v2 home edition to v3 home edition ?

  3. Have a little positioning problem with overlay titles.

    I set the slider to a position in the timeline.

    Now I switch to the "Overlay" tab and press the + button. Nothing happens till here. If I type the first letter of my overlay text the timeline springs to the absolute sequence begin, mist.

    Then I delete the overlay and position the slider again.

    Pressing + to create the overlay and begin to type my text.

    Now all is fine.

    But why I need always a second try ?

    Is there a using fix for this ?

  4. Program works as "Unlicensed basic version". You can use it as before with one video+audio track and two sound tracks and overlay track.

    You cannot save as mpg but as avi and wmv. And you can burn it as DVD, but not save as DVD image.

    I think this is ok.

  5. Normally just left clicking the clip to select it, will not make it move.... but a second click may.

    So should it be, but I click only one time. Clip is selected and moved, because change of selection and moving is procesed by the program in one step.

  6. I have a problem using sound clips. If I have a overlay sound clip that has nothing on it's left and nothing on it's right side, so it is a free positioned clip.

    During marking this clip (click on it) it is normal that the mouse is moved a litte bit. I think no body can click on a mouse key without a small move of the mouse during this action.

    The result is that the clip is moved this small amount of mouse moving.

    So I think this should be working as following: Clicking on a clip should only mark it. For moving there should be a second click (with follwed move) on the marked clip. Only marked clipped should be allowed to move.

    Is there a workaround for this problem ?



  7. Many thanks for the detailed explanation. I didn't find the soundtrack split button...so I had to clear my glasses. :lol:

    It works right as you say. One little function I miss is to clone a sound clip in the sequencer, for example background music from one film clip to use it with another because there is only wind sound or such things. Copy - Paste in sequencer would solve this problem.

    But I have found a simple workaround for this. I place the positon marker in sequencer, start externally Audacity, press "Record" and then sequencer play in Videopad. After recording some trimming in Audacity and import this sound file in Audacity. This I can put in sequencer as often I need it.

  8. I wanted to do the follwing:

    Have a clip-a and a clip-b. Put the clip-a in the sequencer and move the position marker to a defined position where I insert the clip-b. This works fine. Now I have clip-a1 + clip-b + clip-a2 in the sequencer.

    Now unlink the audio. But now I want to split only the audio of clip-a1 at 5 sec before end and take this 5 sec audio and put it after clip-b (before clip-a2).

    Seems to be a too hard job for Videopad ?

  9. You are right.

    I have tested again and have set the sequence postion view to 0:00:00.000 to see the exact position.

    On the highest zoom level the navigation is 1/1000 sec that is more than fine. And the screen is not frozen, there are much steps to next frame and it works.

    So this it very good.

    The only wish for me for this topic is the possibility to have more or user defined navigation keys. I would like the follwing:


    <-, -> step according zoom level (is now Strg+-> and Strg+<-)

    Strg+->, Strg+<- move a second

    PgUp, PgDn move for a 10 seconds

    Alt+->, Alt+<- spring from clip to clip

    Pos1, End spring to begin or end of a clip (not of whole film)


    Many thanks for the help.



  10. Working with sequence window I have found. Navigation control is finer with more zoom, but why ? I think these are different things that must be handled seperately.

    However...if I zoom to maximal zoom factor I see no frames (thumbnails) in the sequence and the video in the sequence preview window is freezing (no movement during navigation) on last choosed postion.

    So I must go to one zoom level lower, then I get sequence thumbnails and the preview window is working again.

    But in this state the navigation steps are to big.

  11. I'm a new videopad user, but have used other software before.

    I'm searching for function to exactly navigate from frame to frame independent from the choosed from factor.

    The finest navigation funktion I have found is Strg+Cursor (by the way why not Cursor for finest navigation and Strg+Cursor for springing from clip to clip ?). But this function belongs to zoom factor. So fine positioning the marker for cutting is a difficult thing.

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