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Posts posted by dustov

  1. Thanks for replying.


    How long have you used the free version?


    You can use the external plug-ins with the free version after 14 days? According to the purchasing page, the paid "Home Edition" has the ability to use plug-ins disabled: "The limitations of the "Home Edition" are stated as "Everything (in the Master's Edition?)except limit of 2 simultaneous audio tracks and no external plugs" So it would seem that would be the case for the free version as well or after 14 days or whatever.


    But what is your experience with the free version and external plug-ins? That is why I am asking how long you have used it -- has it been past 14 days, since the info page states, "The basic version of VideoPad has all the features of VideoPad Pro but after 14 days trial the range of export formats will be limited to .avi, .wmv, .asf and DVD." -- limiting plug-ins is not mentioned but again, if they are disabled in the paid "Home Version" and there is the other time limitated functionality in the free version, it would seem that plug-ins would be disabled as well.







    I think you are right..The Basic version may be very similar or possibly the same as the Free version.(V2.12)

    Having said that, the free version has all the basic features needed for effective HD video editing and DVD creation.

    True, there is no overlay capability and there are limited transitions but you can add plugins from external sources (VisualDub) and create simple fade in/out titles in selected fonts/colours (but NOT zoom/crop/rotate them which can only be done on the clip on sequence line. There are also multiple soundtracks.


    It's up to you if you want to pay for extra effects and an overlay feature. The latter, however, although quite useful cannot be made to fade in/out, and this includes titles which is a bit of a problem as these are only created as an overlay in the version I looked at(V2.22 as a 14 day trial.



  2. I am also considering purchasing but am confused about the difference between the "Home Edition" presently "on sale" (the quotes because of the prior entry stating that VideoPad is constantly "on sale") for $39.99 instead of $60.00 and the "Masters Edition" presently "on sale" for $69.95 instead of $99.00.


    The limitations of the "Home Edition" are stated as "Everything (in the Master's Edition?)except limit of 2 simultaneous audio tracks and no external plugs more info..." but when you click on "more info..." either from this link or the one above for the "Master's Edition" you are sent to another page where there is just this one explantion.....


    ...."The basic version of VideoPad has all the features of VideoPad Pro but after 14 days trial the range of export formats will be limited to .avi, .wmv, .asf and DVD. For more information about VideoPad or to download VideoPad, please see:"


    ..... and if you follow the link after "please see:" you are just taken to the opening sales page for VideoPad.


    To me it sounds like the "basic version" mentioned directly above is probably the free version.


    So can anyone clear this up? I take it that there is no one from VideoPad who moderates or replies on this forum.


    Thanks for any help.

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