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Posts posted by jbshasta4me

  1. I am running v5.13 (I just downloaded the newest version to see if that fixed the problem).

    I am on Windows 7.

    You are correct, my "Invalid user name" error happens after I click the OK button on the "Incoming Source Properties" dialog.

    My FTP user name has five (5) characters and none are non-English or non-alpha-numeric characters.


    I have asked my employer to research the "write error" issue with our FTP site. If this issue cannot be resolved, the incoming notification feature cannot be used, correct?

  2. The write test will be failing because your FTP account doesn't have the needed privileges. Ask the FTP server administrator if they can allow writing and deleting using your account.



    This sounds like a bug in Express Scribe, but we'll need more information to reproduce it.


    Which version of Express Scribe are you running?

    What operating system?

    Just to confirm, the "Invalid user name" message appears when you click the OK button on the "Incoming Source Properties" dialog?

    How many characters are there in your FTP user name?

    Does your FTP user name contain any non-English or non-alpha-numeric characters?

  3. My employer is using FTP Worldwide to capture dictation from our clients. I would like to set up an incoming rule to automatically download my work from this site. I'm not sure if this makes a difference, but our connection as transcriptionists to the FTP Worldwide site is a virtual connection. When I attempt to test my connection I get checkmarks next to Server Address, Log in, Change Directory, Get Working Folder, and Passive Mode. There is an "X" next to Write and a "-" next to Delete. I'm assuming write is where it is getting hung up, but I'm not sure why it isn't going past that part. The box called path is empty, but the box below that has the files from the ftp site I want to add.


    After I tried to test my connection on several occasions, I thought I would just click ok and move to something else. The Logon box says "Invalid user name". When testing my account, which failed, I was at least able to log onto the ftp site, but now it says my user name is invalid. Totally confused here! Anyone have any suggestions?

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