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Posts posted by lukemitchell4

  1. I just downloaded mixpad and also installed some other options like wavepad and tap. I opened a dozen files into mixpad and after I tried to set up different starting points etc the program crashed and Vista with it. After reboot ALL my audio files have now all been chopped at about 3 minutes into the audio. Every single one of my files are destroyed! I have spent over two months making these and other than two that I have other backups, they are all destroyed. I hope there is a solution for this. All the file sizes are bigger than the originals were yet they are ALL chopped and everything after about 3 minutes is gone. I haven't found anything on this forum or other docs that would explain what the heck happened to my files. I only found one forum on another site that said that the trial versions of MixPad only allow up to 3 minutes of mp3 content length. So why in the world would your program not tell me that and also tell me and warn me to back up all my files before I open them in your program? I just can't believe what has happened. This will cost me at least two months and hundreds of dollars to recover from. The client I am working for will surely cancel the account and all will be lost because of the delays in production. Please tell me that there is a solution to recover all these files!!!!


    Note: I just ran a test on a backed up file and it chopped the end off the file just like all the other ones.

    A very very unhappy customer!!!!


    I know I need medications to handle the stupidity of opening master copies in your program in the first place but my stupidity aside, for a program to be apparently set to chop up files with absolutely no warning or indication at all is unbelievable.


    I have a somewhat similar problem. I saved a mixpad file to a flash-drive from my Windows 64 laptop into a Windows Vista desktop. Upon installing mixpad on this desktop and opening the file from the flash-drive, the computer tells me I have a new version of mixpad and this file will not be able to opened on an older version. That was fine with me because I thought I could just work with the new version. When I opened it, however, half of the tracks were missing. So I didn't even bother doing anything with it or saving it, I simply put the flash-drive back into my laptop and was going to continue to work on it there. However, half of the tracks were missing here too. It seems as though the tracks that are missing are completely arbitrary, just here and there; as if there's no reason behind only certain tracks missing. If anyone has a solution to either my problem or the original problem posted here, any reply would be more than welcome. Thanks.

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