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Posts posted by picbuck

  1. The short answer is no.


    The slightly longer answer is that what you propose is built into (or not) your computer, your graphics card, and VideoPad itself. You'd need a doctorate in computer science to do what you propose, or at least a master's in engineering.


    More realistically, videos are best handled with a 3-gig-plus CPU (central processing unit), preferably dual-core or better, and lots of memory. This does NOT mean you need these, only that it's nice.


    With images, memory is more important than CPU speed. If you don't know, 32-bit versions of Windows, which you probably have, recognize only up to 3.25gig memory. It's usual to buy a matched 4gig memory set(two 2gig sticks), and just understand that .75gig won't be used. Or just a single 4gig stick, whichever has a better price.


    If you have a 64-bit version of Windows, then you can use something like 8gig memory, depending on your Windows version. For processing videos, this would be a very good investment.


    Don't forget about Linux, which offers 64-bit versions and is free. Linux Mint is not too unlike Windows, so the learning curve is not that bad. Contrary to the impression you might have, you don't have to be at all geeky to use Linux, and good video editors are available. I don't know whether VideoPad offers a Linux version.



  2. Audio delay or lag is not cause by VideoPad itself. Rather, it's caused by the internal workings of the computer, which can be adjusted.


    Do not--repeat not--worry, your computer is fine. But it's a machine, and machines may need to be adjusted for specific tasks.


    In this case the adjustment is "Hardware Acceleration," which relates to your graphics card, also called a video card, also referred to as display. You might have graphics/video/display built into your motherboard, but it's still a "card" in effect, so the same adjustment applies.


    The solution in my case was to turn down Hardware Acceleration one notch. Your mileage may vary, different machines might need different amounts of adjustment.


    Sadly, the adjustment for Hardware Acceleration is buried a bit deep, and it varies with different versions of Windows (though they're all the same adjustment), so I can't really get you there in this post.


    Instead, search on YouTube for "hardware acceleration" and you'll find numerous posts showing how to get there. Start with one notch down and test. Hint: When testing, voice is very hard to get synchronized, mouse clicks are better. Remember that things happen when you release the mouse button, not when the button is pushed down.

  3. Wait a minute. I was just loading a video myself and had another thought, still along the "you might not really have a problem" line.


    If you're talking about the traveling blue bar, I think it sometimes get stuck...or whatever exactly happens. But as far as I can tell, when all the thumbnails appear on the timeline, then the clip is loaded.


    So I just ahead and do what I have in mind to do. This seems to jog the blue bar and things proceed as planned..though I'm pretty much just giving you guesswork here.

  4. Wait...what...you're using photographs that are in another location, on some other web site?


    Just taking a shot here, but all your clips, and all your photographs--everything--should be in the same folder on your own web site.


    There's more: Never mind the 16:9 ratio, the photographs and the clips must be the same size, right down to the pixel. If not, then JW Player would have to do an on-the-fly conversion (if there is such a thing), and this would sure enough slow things down. A lot.


    Sorry if I've misunderstood your problem, and if I have, then I have no further ideas. But this is the way I understand your situation.

  5. I don't know your exact situation, but I don't think you should be trying to upload a file located in a temporary folder.


    It sounds like you're trying to upload VideoPad's working copy of your vid. This is unreadable to any app/program except VideoPad (all apps/programs work this way).


    The thing to do is save your movie with, not surprisingly, the "Save Movie" button at the top of the VideoPad screen. If you don't have another location, save it to the Desktop, and as an .avi file.


    Then this is the finished vid, the one you upload.

  6. Three things you might not have heard about:


    Make your VideoPad output size 1280 by 720. YouTube likes this size.


    Have a sound track. If there's no sound track, then YouTube probably won't give you HD. Hmmm, I don't know whether a silent sound track will fool YouTube.


    Make your VideoPad output 30fps (frames per second). This is what YouTube uses (it's said), so it eliminates a conversion step, and that's always good for quality. Your camcorder probably records at 29.92fps, but VideoPad can make the conversion noprob.


    Just guessing, obviously, but these help for me.

  7. Of course I'm just guessing, but you don't necessarily have a problem. When I'm loading file sizes in the gigabyte range, then they just take a long time to load. As in time to go get a coffee refill, and still not done. This is on my machine with a 3.2gig, tri-core processor, and 3.25gig memory (the most 32-bit Windows can use).


    I'm not on the VideoPad staff, but it's obvious that VideoPad does a lot of pre-processing when you load a video. It has to do this so you'll get immediate results when you move the time slider, or otherwise edit.


    A quick Google shows that Fraps is not famous for outputting small file sizes. You might look around YouTube for how to make your Fraps files smaller.

  8. --- What video format should i first convert these videos all too to ensure that videopad is going to be able to edit them optimally? ---


    Addendum. It looks like I'm old-school in the field of converting formats. Here's cnet's list of video converters. Can 15 million people be wrong?


    (yes of course they can, but that's another story)




    - al -

  9. --- What video format should i first convert these videos all too to ensure that videopad is going to be able to edit them optimally ---


    In my experience, .avi is the universal video format, as .wav is the universal audio format.


    But there are other things to worry about, mostly frame rate and the size (as viewed) of your different videos. Mixing different frame rates, or different viewing sizes, is unlikely to be successful.


    If you must convert frame rates or size, probably your best bet is VirtualDub (Google for it). It's been around for years and is something of a de facto standard in video editing. VirtualDub does not have effects, but otherwise it can open, edit, and convert almost anything--almost.


    There's a learning curve to VirtualDub, but YouTube has a lot of help videos--some garbage, some not, as usual.


    Hope this might be of some help.



  10. ...Does Videopad automatically update itself (version wise)? Or must I do something manually to update it?...


    Good question, and the short answer is no, no automatic updates.


    The longer answer is so vague it's not worth giving. It's the kind of thing one should examine for oneself.


    At the main page (nch.com.au), scroll to the search box at the bottom. Search for "update" (sans quotes).


    The implication I get is that no updates are included in the sales price, but there is a discount on updates for license holders. Or maybe I have it wrong.

  11. ...The uninstall/install itself seems to be a problem. It appears that it doesn't completely remove VideoPad...


    Just guessing wildly, buy you might try this:


    Uninstall VideoPad. Restart (restarting is important).


    Click though My Computer ~> C: ~> Program Files.


    In the Program Files folder, delete the folder named NCH Software. This folder contains VideoPad. NOTE: It also contains any other NCH programs you have, so if you have more than one don't do any of this.


    Deleting the program folder (NCH Software) will hopefully remove the records VideoPad leaves behind after an uninstall (most programs leave traces behind, it doesn't hurt or change anything).


    Restart (important) and again install VideoPad.


    This might or might not help because program settings are saved in various places on a computer, but it might be worth a try.


    If you don't have the NCH Software folder inside the Program Files folder, well, this idea was no good in the first place. But might help.

  12. ...where exactly can you find this elusive "Save selection" button?...


    Whoops, I mixed apples and oranges. I see I gave the impression that VideoPad does have a "Save Selection" command. Sorry I got your hopes up, but this is not so.


    My whole idea was to turn out an all-inclusive video with VideoPad, then extract the sections, or clips, you want with VirtualDub.


    Neither VideoPad nor VirtualDub has a "Save Selection" command per se. However, VirtualDub does have a Save Selection function, although it has no specific name.


    In VirtualDub, with a video loaded, a section/clip of the video can be selected in the timeline at the bottom. The selection is indicated by a blue line.


    If you then click File ~> Save as AVI, VirtualDub saves only the section/clip indicated by the blue line. This is what I'm speaking of as a Save Selection command, in fact although not in name.


    (If nothing is selected, then of course File ~> Save as AVI saves the entire video.)


    With a section/clip selected, and VirtualDub set to "Direct Stream Copy" in both Video and Audio, the process is very fast. Obviously there are variables, but I just Direct-Stream-Copied a 1-gig clip in some 48 seconds. With the small file sizes that VideoPad turns out (I wonder how it does that?) the process should fly.


    Of course this whole idea might or might not serve your particular purpose. Just tossing it out as a thought.

  13. ...their attempt to exempt themselves from public responsibility turns me off...don’t do serious and time consuming projects on it. Be sure to read the statements on their website before buying this product...


    I can't agree with Goldeneagle's harsh judgments.


    To begin with, VideoPad is the best thing out there for anything resembling a reasonable price. Of course it simply blows Windows Movie Maker out of the water. There are some things about WAX that I like better, but WAX crashes frequently for me, and VideoPad doesn't.


    And, critically, VideoPad has a learning curve that a mere mortal, a non-superGeek, can struggle though. Along with some very good online instruction videos, and several (some not so good) on YouTube.


    And by the way I've seen VideoPad at both NewEgg and Amazon for $40--though I don't know what the upgrade situation might be.


    More to the point, I think the most important item is the keyword: free.


    For crying out loud, guys! I can't imagine how many hundreds--thousands?--of hours it takes to make a thing like this. Or how much skill, since this is not shadetree mechanic work.


    And after all that the NCH guys essentially say, "Here ya go, take it, don't pay me unless you want to."


    We ought to be parading around singing hosannas to their collective name.


    I have this image of NCH as a small bunch of superGeeks, probably all with doctorates in computer science, who don't want to put up with Bill Gates so they head off in another direction. But superGeeks don't suffer fools gladly, and of course to them, in computer terms, everybody is a fool.


    Well, if they won't suffer me, then it falls to me to suffer them. It's either that or they add a customer service department. Which, as will all things, the customers pay for (how else?), so the price doubles or triples.


    I'm not accusing anybody of being perfect. For one thing, I, too, kinda wish somebody would make up their mind about price (I vote for $40). And also firm up the update policy, which is incomprehensibly vague as stated. These maybe-yes-maybe-no-sometimes policies don't inspire customer confidence.


    But it's not reasonable to expect a plumber or an electrician to be a people person, and the same with superGeeks. If they wanted to earn a living with chitchat they'd have been insurance salesmen in the first place.


    So I say the glass is half full. After who knows how much hard work they hand me the thing thing on a silver platter, so all I can think of to say is wow, thanks guys!

  14. ...if it was possible to save it in 15 min segments by one sequence of presses, rather than waiting until the earlier segment finished...


    Coming in late here, but just to add my 2 cents.


    You're speaking of "save selection," as opposed to "save." That is, you want to SELECT fifteen-minute segments and save them. At the same time having several of these selections saved automatically--set it up and walk away.


    I don't know of any program that will do this (though there could be thousands I don't know about), but it sounds like a job for VirtualDub, which I often use hand in hand with VideoPad.


    The secret here is VirtualDub's "Direct Stream Copy" options. Video ~> Direct Stream Copy, and Audio ~> Direct Steam Copy.


    Set for Direct Stream Copy, VirtualDub is very, very fast, and it makes no changes to the vid, it simply copies. Much faster than saving separate clips.


    So it would not be a dealie to have VideoPad save a master, so to speak, and use VirtualDub to extract any number if segments from the master. In fact, hmmm, now that I think about it, I think that might be just the way to do some things.


    Of course...now you have another program to learn, so the cure might be worse than the disease. Still, it might be an option to consider.

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