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Posts posted by robinski

  1. WavePad appears to do exactly what I need it to do, but there seems to be an error somewhere.


    I purchase audiobooks on CD, and these files happily live on my ipod. The problem is that the books I've purchased come broken up into tiny two or three minute files which makes it hard to keep my place. I wanted WavePad so that I could put all the files together into one single file.


    It seemed to work like a charm. Although the file was large, I kept it in .wav format for easier editing (figured, once it was complete, I'd convert it to a smaller format) and I'm able to just copy and paste each subsequent file onto my growing single file. It works fine while I'm working in WavePad. It allows me to save and the file plays perfectly. But once I exit the file and go back in, the last half of the file is just a hum or buzz. It's funny because it looks fine on screen, but it seems to hit this point and just stop. I've tried twice now.


    If I can get this working, I'll happily purchase WavePad, because I'll want to do this with all my books, but if I can't make it work, that would be pointless.


    Any suggestions?

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