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Posts posted by rmladroma

  1. Hi,


    It will only autopaid the new invoice if you have overpaid their(customer) one of the invoices or some of them. Excess/floating payments automatically pay the incoming invoices, it also possible that you have deleted some of their paid invoices.

    You can run their statement to see if the total invoice and total payments are balanced, in case the Payments total are higher with Invoices total yo will need to delete some of the payments.


    For the emailng issues ,please reenter your mail host,email and password then click ok and please also check within your antivirus/ firewall/networking if blocking the outgoing ports 25, 465, and/or 587.


    In case your still having issues please go to http://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html

  2. No extra column avaialble to be added. You can use the Itemcode column "Enter a unique, short (but memorable) code for this item." and use the description column for the job details.

    If you need more space for details you can use the public notes at the bottom of the Invoice window.

  3. Hi,


    Here is how to set the email functions in Express nvoice

    • Open your email settings in Express Invoice by clicking Options in the toolbar, select the Other tab, and click the Email Settings button.
    • Select the radio button labeled "Use SMTP to send email directly to the mail server."
    • For SMTP mail host, enter the server address. This varies depending on your email client.
      • Gmail: smtp.gmail.com
      • Yahoo: smtp.mail.yahoo.com or smtp.mail.yahoo.co.uk (if email address ends in yahoo.co.uk)
      • Hotmail/MSN/Outlook.com smtp.live.com
      • AOL: smtp.aol.com
      • Comcast: smtp.comcast.net
      • Other: Contact your mail provider for your SMTP server address

      [*]Check the box labeled "Server requires authentication" and enter your username (e.g., youraddress@gmail.com) and your password.

      [*]Check the box labeled "Use secure connection (SSL/TLS) if available." (Comcast users should skip this step)

      [*]Enter your email address into the field labeled "Default reply email."

      [*]Click OK to save your changes

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