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Posts posted by nighttraindb

  1. Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this message. Ok, I am a complete novice to this whole process, I now have the IVM Answering Attendant and what I am looking to have it do is provide a more professional atmosphere to my office.


    Basically, I am looking for it to answer and play music until someone picks up. I am also looking for it to provide options push 1 for this push 2 for that.


    Now, if my terminology is off please bare with me. I currently am providing local to long distance service for inmates. I am using a server on callwithus, so I was wondering if there was someway I can plug (dedicate a computer) to answering the phone and utilizing my PBX Server on callwithus.com to help in forwarding the phone calls when they push the appropriate button?


    Do I require one of thes liksys type Voip Adapters (like Vonage PAP2) that I currently have?


    Any assistance in answering anything here :) or pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Hello everyone, firt please let me state I am a COMPLETE newbie trying to possibly do something that is over my head at the moment.


    I just acquired or am using IVM Answering Attendant and currently have a PBX Server through Callwithus.com where I sell local phone numbers with a set amount of time to families with loved ones that are incarcerated.


    I am looking to set this IVM Answering Attendant to dial a specific number when option 1 is clicked and a different number for option 2...


    Now, currently in the settings department I clicked the tab labeled Voip and placed sip.callwithus.com in the proper box along with the account password...


    My problem is, when I make the selection it dials nothing. Now, I see where it has a "!" where somehow that is suppose to prompt it to dial out. And not sure if I should change that...


    The number the people are dialing is a Vonage phone number.


    Hopefully, I am making a little since here :) Where someone can assist.



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