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Posts posted by saaron

  1. The audio and video is drastically out of synchronisation on my captured file. Yes, I have read FAQ about this issue but the answer does not help an oldtimer like me. I would be really grateful if some knowledgable person would begin a forum conversation with me to help me resolve this problem. Let's start here: On starting Debut I get a message from the Debut icon in the Tray "Debut has identified that your PC is slow and has defaulted to 1 frame/sec. You can change this in Options>Record>ScreenCapture>Maximum Frame Rate". However as you can see, there in no "Record" tab in the Options dialogue box (as shown on the image in my attachment). Nevertheless I am able to capture video to hard drive (although poor quality - blurred edges on moving objects - and the audio is way out of sync). Am I misunderstanding something? Please help !


    This has been driving me NUTS for a while...


    And I THINK I just found a work around...


    It still happens BUT there seems to be a buffer issue, ONCE you go to the player everything is out of sync after that.




    If you record a second of video,


    and then record again, the second recording is fine.









    and see if this works for you too...


    I gave up months ago and couldn't walk away today and found this.




    Let me know it this works!



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