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Posts posted by kendebique

  1. The concerns expressed by by I,.Simms and I burrito are legitimate and have nothing to do with whether the CD is an old format or not. Any self respecting software will give you this information. This is standard if you use new versions of Nero, Creative Audigy, Roxio or any software worth its salt. I expect no less from NCN Software. As for MP3, Iam a little too sophisticated to listen to that. If I must convert WAV files I only use lossless codecs like Flac. WMA Lossless, or Monkey's audio.


    Hi Guys,


    The problem is that audio cd's are super old. Been around way too long.

    You may have noticed that when you buy a cd from a shop, and put it into your computer and start playing it through media player. (with the internet disconnected) Media player will show that all the songs are called track 01, track 02, and that it is an unknown artist, and unknown album.

    This is because when Audio CD's were originally designed, there was no need to include this type of information. So once they made audio cd's and started selling cd players, they couldn't exactly just change things and render 1000's of cd players around the world useless.

    So they had to leave it.

    And thats why Express Burn does this. because it is the standard and if we try to change it then the discs won't work when you go to play them. (other burning programs work the same way)


    The solution that was introduced to fix this problem that the whole world was having was .MP3's.

    Pretty much all new cd players these days will play mp3 files.

    MP3's can also store plenty of information about each song. + they are a lot smaller so you can fit more on a disc.


    Eventually the old players still in use around the world will be upgraded, and we will not need to use audio cd's anymore.


    Though that might take a long time to happen.



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