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Slyde Phaeder

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Posts posted by Slyde Phaeder

  1. I had immediate failures on attempting to convert multiple .ra files, so I tried opening them with Real Player. The player couldn't play the first file and said it needed to update. I allowed it to update, which downloaded a new codec, after which Switch was able to convert my files.

  2. Confirm that you can play the file you wish to convert. If your media player requires a codec, it may be able to update over the web and install the codec, at which point it should be available for use during conversion.

  3. This forum is hosted by NCH for user-to-user support, but is not the best way to inquire about the company's products. WAV is a general audio format and WAV files may be attached to messages, but mail client software generally won't know if the file is speech or music. To convert speech audio to text requires voice recognition software, which will make errors if not trained to a particular voice. Music files for songs registered in internet music databases may have associated lyric files that can be retrieved and displayed via a plugin to a media player.


    I haven't seen any product specifically designed to convert voicemail to text. If one is developed, it will include a bunch of warnings regarding possible mistranslation, since an innocent comment might be mistranslated into threatening or insulting text, or urgent information might be miscommunicated and result in an inappropriate or delayed response, which could be costly.


    Voicemail delivery via email is typically offered as a convenience to move file storage from a voicemail system. In a corporate environment, you might reduce these attachments by including your email address in your voicemail answering message, and/or by notifying correspondents that you prefer text to voice.

  4. >when i click on the file and go to properties its says its an ( m3u file ) and below it says its a ( .ram )


    .m3u, .ram (frequently), and .pls files are playlist files, not audio files. If you change the file extention to .txt and open it, this may reveal the URL of the file or files that you wish to download and convert. If the host website uses session IDs, it may not allow direct download from the URLs in the playlist. In that event, you must play the files from the website and then try to find them in your browser cache, or use a real-time audio capture utility.

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