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Posts posted by Jmarkland

  1. This log relates to the "Outgoing Audio no longer playing" post immediately prior to this one.....


    16:58:39 IVM Answering Attendant Run

    16:58:40 Date: 2009-05-22

    16:58:40 IVM Answering Attendant Engine Started

    16:59:03 Ringing on Line Simulator detected. Waiting until ring number 2.

    16:59:03 Simulator Simulator [Answered]

    16:59:04 Answered line [1000 "Simulator Line"] call number [27] cid [5555555555] did[simulator] drn[0 (0ms)]

    16:59:04 Play file: C:\Documents and Settings\brenda\My Documents\telephone system\Reg Opening Greeting.wav

    16:59:32 Play file: C:\Documents and Settings\brenda\My Documents\telephone system\Reg Opening Greeting.wav

    16:59:35 Caller pressed key [2] Notice the 28 seconds it took to play the message.....

    16:59:35 Command - Go

    16:59:35 Open OGM: OGM 2

    16:59:35 Play file: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\OGMs\OGM 2.wav

    16:59:35 Command - Leave Message

    16:59:35 Leave Message for Mailbox: Default

    16:59:35 Play system prompt: RecordTone

    16:59:35 Recording File: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\MailBoxes\Default ICM000016.wav

    16:59:44 Call disconnected


    (Simulator set to playback on "modem#5", not how it usually does, or did work)


    17:00:47 Ringing on Line Simulator detected. Waiting until ring number 2.

    17:00:47 Simulator Simulator [Answered]

    17:00:48 Answered line [1000 "Simulator Line"] call number [28] cid [5555555555] did[simulator] drn[0 (0ms)]

    17:00:48 Play file: C:\Documents and Settings\brenda\My Documents\telephone system\Reg Opening Greeting.wav

    17:00:49 Play file: C:\Documents and Settings\brenda\My Documents\telephone system\Reg Opening Greeting.wav

    17:00:50 Command - Leave Message Ah, compressing 56 seconds into 2

    17:00:50 Leave Message for Mailbox: Main

    17:00:50 Play system prompt: RecordTone

    17:00:50 Recording File: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\MailBoxes\Main ICM000017.wav

    17:00:58 Call disconnected

    17:01:17 Call disconnected


    Actual incoming call on USR 56K V/PCI



    17:02:01 Ringing on Line U.S. Robotics 56K Voice PCI detected. Waiting until ring number 2.

    17:02:01 U.S. Robotics 56K Voice PCI U.S. Robotics 56K Voice PCI [Answered]

    17:02:01 Answered line [1 "U.S. Robotics 56K Voice PCI"] call number [29] cid [unknown] did[u.S. Robotics 56K Voice PCI] drn[1 (5953ms)]

    17:02:01 Play file: C:\Documents and Settings\brenda\My Documents\telephone system\Reg Opening Greeting.wav

    17:02:02 Play file: C:\Documents and Settings\brenda\My Documents\telephone system\Reg Opening Greeting.wav

    17:02:03 Command - Leave Message

    17:02:03 Leave Message for Mailbox: Main

    17:02:03 Play system prompt: RecordTone Once again, the outgoing messages are 'instantly' skipped over.

    17:02:03 Recording File: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\MailBoxes\Main ICM000018.wav

    17:02:16 Recording time-out or silence detect or outbound no answer

    17:02:16 Play system prompt: GoodBye

    17:02:16 Call disconnected

    17:02:16 Call disconnected

    17:02:16 Call disconnected



    No audio is heard on the other end of the line when the call is made to the IVM.

    All audio files are in their required location, and are functional.


    Please also note that "Ring Central" still functions with the current configuration, but lacks the functionality which existed with the demo version, and SHOULD work here....




    Maybe this time dialation/compression has to do with special relativity?

    Thanks again,

    Mark D.

  2. The trial version worked beautifully for a week or so.


    So happy with its performance were we, that we gladly payed the (overly large IMO) fee to register it when it requested. Then the trouble started. It now implies that everything is working fine when using the SIMULATOR, but when a call comes, it skips(doesn't) playing the audio OGM. What should be a 25 second message is skipped over in a second or less (according to the log). It pauses/repeats this process as per the settings, but still doesn't play any sound over the telephone.

    It is still able to record and respond to DTMF, but very few callers ASSUME that silence (without beep or anything) means it's time to leave a message. I've adjusted every setting I could think of.

    NO AUDIO OUT works - not even synthesized voices. If I switch the 'play device' to the 'modem #5 line playback'(the only other option), it fails just like it does for a real call - but once again, these were not the settings that were used when it was successful before being registered/activated.


    I must emphasize that IT WORKED FINE for more than a week. No (non-IVM) settings, updates, drivers, hardware, or software were updated or changed during this time. Our old "Ring central" still works fine (If you can call what RC does "working"), as a straight answering machine. EVEN THOUGH I'm using a Voice Modem ('gasp' God forbid), I don't understand why it would stop working once I've thrown money at them...And yes, the modem sure as heck is TAPI complient.


    I've seen numerous similar (and one near IDENTICAL) post in this forum, but nobody seems to submit their solution.....


    My head hurts from banging it on the wall from this.





    CPU: P4 531 3ghz

    Memory: 1GB

    Modem: USR 56K Voice PCI (3COM 2976OEM to be specific) - Using serial.sys and modem.sys drivers



    O/S: WinXP Pro (2002) SP3

    IVM: 4.22 (Small Interactive System IIRC)


    I'll post the log file of the test I just ran with the topic title "NO OGM LOG", which should be immediately above this message.

    If needed, I'll also post the contents of any .INF files for trouble shooting.



    Thanks for you time,


    Mark D.

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